Monday, March 30, 2009

life and stuff...

Didn't mean to not post for this long, but showing the same tumbler picture isn't what I call blog worthy. I'm still working on the tumbler quilt's applique parts at night and getting some normal house things done during the days. Quilting has been much slower this past few days due to normal life stuff really. One I've had the worst non-cold sinus thing for days. No idea what was wrong as I didn't have the normal cold symptoms, but the allergy issues sucked and I lost an entire night to the worst sinus headache. No sewing that night.

But I do have a few things to show for myself! I was able to get several blocks ready for my ABC sampler quilt so I could work on them during the evenings. I like to prep the applique pieces during the day and then you can lay them out and mark for all the stitchery sections and take off the applique. I prefer to get the needlework done ...if I can...without the fabric already sewn on. Saves my stitches getting pulled. I worked on the Q for Quail block and the M for Mother block. The quail is finished. I kinda thought the M block was too, but looking at the picture I don't like all the space at the bottom edge. Children's names go there and I don't have it's empty. I think the feather stitch is going to wrap around the bottom corner just a bit. OH and I forgot their FEET!

I spent one morning cutting all the pieces for this months 27 Geese in the Forest blocks. Boy, cutting take so much time and actually I lied. I haven't cut all the white triangles pieces. I need 84? or something each direction and I'm only up to 54 each. They are rectangles cut into triangles so you have to be careful to cut both directions to have them facing correctly.

I've also spent time doing another little clean out of the house in preparation for a move. I know I've mentioned moving before...I've wanted to move for quite a while out of this state. When is a total crap shoot. Long term estimate could be a year...short term could be 60 days! So we might as well get moving and do some work now. Up till now, I haven't mentioned anything about my hubby's job.

I normally don't talk about real life family issues anymore on the blog because it makes most people uncomfortable. Only a very few of you know that my husbands company filed for bankruptcy months back due to a CEO who played fast and loose with company money on the futures market and lost it all...stole is the word I use. Oh right except for the $74 million bonus (was it?) he split between himself and his company buddy last year. Because of this thieving bastard, an extremely profitable, successful company is no more, dissolved. He'll get his in court hopefully. Turns out it may have all been orchestrated by a competitor, which if it floats your boat, you can read about here (keep reading down the whole page). Might help to explain the high gas prices last summer. Screw the employees and their families...we want to put our competitors out of business. Lots of good employees will be laid off. Not exactly their one can take advantage of you if you don't put yourself in that situation. So we wait and plan for every eventuality we can think to happen.

We move under another branch of the company April 1st?, we think, and so far have no idea about anything. Who stays and who goes...IF we will have any benefits or what they will be, even what pay they will offer. Good news is that hubby will probably be one of the last to go due to his job in the company. But these people don't run a business, and don't want to. Are we having fun yet? I'm certainly not and I'm rather pissed over the whole thing. We're hoping for a quick sale to a good company or to find a good job somewhere else.

If you read all that, thanks for letting me rant. I may be a little more scarce for a while as we do some things around here to get the condo ready for sale. I'll be around and still quilting.


  1. Rant all you like -- that's what friends are for. And it sounds like a crummy, scary situation!

    Word Verification: bonesi which I think is a skeletal bonsai tree.

  2. Oh...sorry to hear about your husband situation on work.. didnt sound good at all.. Hope everything wil be ok for you...
    Love your blocks for the ABC quilt... and yes please let them have legs....:o)

  3. Sounds like a scam to me, I lost a job due to the CEO playing with the books, but the financial magnitude of this hit people all over. Crazy. Keep your chin up, quilting was my link to sanity when my world flipped upside down in Dec 07.

  4. Love the people block even if they are legless at the moment!
    It's good to get things aired sometimes. Same situation around the globe I think with the greedy fat cats and then they hide their money, it's sickening. I hope you will get through this uncertain time soon.

  5. Oh Judy I am hoping this all works out and someone comes in and buys the business quickly
    think we are all quilting to keep our sanity during these times...

  6. All will work out.....somehow and someway it always does. It is just hard to believe the greed of some people...I'd be screaming pissed too!

  7. Once again you have been super busy. Always a joy to see what you're up to.

    Sending a little (hug) to help ease the stress of hubby's job issue and challenge.

  8. That's just horrible what is happening to your husbands company. I hope it will all work out for you guys.

    I love what you are working on, your applique is stunning.

  9. Love the for names use the ragdoll names!!! I would hehehe...woody's name would go right on there! sorry to hear about your hubby's company. Glad you can vent and that is what friends are for to listen! It is tough to go through it so (((hugs)))sent your way..keep us posted on if and when you move!

  10. I'm sorry about your hubbys job, my thoughts are with you...and it's good to have a rant every now and then, makes you feel better if you get it of your chest! Love your are sooooo talented and creative...your work is always so beautiful! W x


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