Monday, March 2, 2009

snow. sewing, and sanity....

All have returned to the household. Hubby was away at a conference since Friday morning and I hate him being gone. I'm not scared to be alone at's not that. For some reason knowing that I can't get to him easily causes my anxiety to soar and I stay in a constant state of panic attack. It works the same when I' m away somewhere. It's stupid, but it's just what happens. Thanks to those special ladies who held my hand through know who you are! He's safe and sound arriving very late last night after fighting through snow, ice, and rain to finally make it home 3 hours later than planned! Whew! Calming sanity.

On the LOSER front! A side effect to all that anxiety is that I have a nervous stomach and generally lose weight. I've been worried about hubby's company sale so last week when I totally forgot to post I had lost 3 pounds. I begged forgiveness from the Drill Sargent and I think I was forgiven?? Huh? But I knew I better post this Monday. Today, I'm down another 2 lbs from this weekends experience. I wouldn't recommend anxiety as a way to lose weight...seriously, but I'll take the side effects all the same. That's 5 pounds for the 2 weeks!

As, I'm sure you all know it SNOWED on the east coast! We got 3 days of rain first then finally last night it started with the ice and I thought we'd end up with an ice storm. Then everything stopped. When we woke up this morning it was all snow! Not much..maybe an inch. I know I've asked for it...but not while hubby's on the road passing ditched cars...szeesh! See that flooded street in the second picture? The construction guys had to stick one of those giant rolls in front to keep debris from getting into the sewer line. It never drained well before, so of course it doesn't drain at all now!It's all the way up to and COVERING our parking spots. Picture me...10PM, I realize that the water is about to go into hubby's car. I'm in my pj's, so I pull off my bathrobe and pull on my flannel pants, roll them up to my knees and stick on my socks and the oldest pair of tennis shoes I own. I tucked my nightgown into my pants and pulled on the thickest sweater I have, got my gloves and an umbrella and out I go to move his car! I must have looked lovely. I knew my feet would get wet but that was the COLDEST water I've ever felt and it was up to the bottom of my knee caps! Lordy, my feet stung and ached for about a minute. I backed out the car a tiny bit and circled around the empty spaces and moved his car, then trudged back to the door shivering, trying not to slip and fall on my sizable behind. I carried my dripping shoes up the stairs and stuck them right into the garbage!

Now I really admire those gals who love when their husbands leave and they sew for days. I thought that was my plan too. Turns out I can't concentrate on anything. I finally made myself pick one thing and got to work. I finished the second block in Gail Pan's free bom and sewed on the green borders. I'm liking this Christmas CW thing in the fabrics.

Then I got to work getting the next 2 ABC sampler blocks ready for sewing. I marked all the embroidery work to do before I stitch down the applique pieces. I like to do it that way rather than crease the fabrics that never seem to smooth out for me. So M, Q and R are marked and getting sewn while all their applique pieces are pre-turned and ready for sewing. NOP will be next. But first, today I'm doing some more work on the machine quilting of the SLOL quilt.

Hubby's in the den and I can finally relax and concentrate!


  1. yeah, glad he is home...
    something to be said for piece of mind!
    great job 5 lbs good for you, keep going!
    we have about 8 inches of snow so far...
    and I am dreaming of spring, took out the chrome yellow fabric going to use it for setting squares, just wait :) thinking daffodils while I cut up this fabric

  2. The Christmas blocks look great. Love the fabrics you chose for them. Sorry you had a hard time this weekend. Anxiety is hard to deal with. Congratulations on 5 pounds :o)

  3. First and foremost...congrats on your weight loss even though in part not planned due to anxiety issues. I'm glad he made it home safe and sound for your sanity! I've been apart from my hubby off and on for some many years with the military; you just sort of get used to the idea of having the remote and bed to yourself. Fixing dinner is even a breeze and gave me more time for quilting! The times I hated him gone were during Desert Shield/Storm and Iraq. Those were far worse than all others. I get more quilting in on the days he is gone to work.

  4. No snow days for me . . . . I've decided to just embrace the fact that spring is here.
    Glad Hubby returned from his trip safely. I'm like Mary - for so long it was just a way of life. Desert Shield/Desert Storm was the worst - not only was Hubby in possible harm's way but my mom was in the final stages of her cancer battle.
    Your Christmas blocks are turning out sweet - you've chosen a perfect background!

  5. Congratulations on the weight loss...hard way to lose it, but it's gone and that's very good news...Better news that hubby's home safe and sound. I love your Christmas blocks...that fabric is PERFECT! I may have to be a copy cat...LOL!

  6. I LOVE your Christmas blocks and the fabric you have chosen. I have my blocks stitched but haven't put borders as I can't decide what to use. I am a CW fabric fan and I really like what you have done.

  7. WOOHOO on the weight loss. No fun losing it that way but hey we take what we can right? lolol Glad hubby is home safe and sound and you can rest now.
    Love your blocks and the fabs your using. CUTE!!!!

  8. It sounds like a very brave car rescue to me. Your description of what you were wearing made me laugh. Glad you are both safe and sound.

  9. WooHoo -- 5 lbs. is awesome -- congratulations! Your Christmas blocks are soooo pretty!

  10. Congrats on your weight loss - that's a great accomplishment. Your Christmas stitchery looks wonderful. I'm not a big fan when hubby has to leave for an overnight. I don't usually sleep very well - thank goodness that doesn't happen very often.

    Hugs - Karen

  11. Oh my Judy trending out in that cold water must have a difficult thing to do but you saved the car which is a good thing. I love the stitchery blocks and the fabrics you are using. I haven't put the fabric around mine yet, wasn't sure which fabrics I wanted to use. I have the same green you picked and I love that one.

  12. I had written a long post the other day on this entry, but it seems to have disappeared. :-(

    Anyway, sorry you had a hard time and good save on your husband's car!! I get anxiety, too (for other reasons) and it's annoying because you can know that it's unreasonable, but your body reacts anyway. Glad your husband is back and now you've finished your amazing quilt.


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