Friday, February 27, 2009

quilt show....

Well, it was good, but not great. Some of the bigger booths were gone this year. The more recognizable ones anyway. My one big negative was that I was so careful to make sure to write down Mary's cell number, so we could meet. Then I promptly left it right on the kitchen counter! Mary, I'm so sorry I missed meeting you! I had the sticky stuck to my money envelope and then took all the money packets out, divided them up between hubby's front pockets like I always do and left the envelope right there. The second miss was taking almost no pictures! I didn't care for the Best in Show quilt. Not my cup of tea, sorry.... but I did get a few.
Loved this one...Karen Kay Buckley won best Traditional.below....sorry for the ghastly picture, a lady moved right as I was shooting and blurred the whole thing.

This was my favorite one and it won Best in Machine Quilting, for some category...the border is about 8" to 10" and INTRICATELY quilted.

Look at the detail in this border...we're talking quarter inch peacock feather designs!!

Besides which it's just a pretty quilt. The Best in Show that I didn't care for was solid yellow, whole cloth, with machine quilting and cut outs with lattice, and quite frankly...sorry to say, looked like a bedspread from JC Penny. Sorry, if it was your quilt, you did an amazing amount of work, but it wasn't my taste, not Best in Show. Once they post the pictures, or if Mary got pictures you can see more.


  1. Thanks for the pictures! That machine quilting is out of this world!!!

  2. The machine quilting is beautiful. I can't imagine the time it took to do that. I free motion, so still working on smaller projects.


  3. Incredible quilting - thank you for sharing.

  4. Hi Judy, I read your review of the quilts....will try to post some different photos but I took took several of the one you posted as it was a favorite of mine too! Can you believe that quilting?!! I wasn't planning on commenting just yet this morning but read the review of the yellow quilt with the cut outs.....I did not get a single photo of that quilt either! Wow....we are really two peas in a pod. While pretty...others were much more spectacular!

  5. I can understand why you liked the quilt with the fabulous machine quilting. I would like the design even without the fabulous quilting. I wonder how many hours it took to machine quilt this piece.

  6. Sorry the quilts were a bust, but it looks like you had a great time with the shopping. Those zippers are FANTASTIC -- I hope we start seeing them around more!

  7. Thanks so much for the lovely photos! Great to see what was there!ec

  8. I was there too! i went Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning. got a ton of fabric, some patterns, 6 books, a ruler and some notions and 1 pack of blue chalk.
    I got some pics, but not as many as i would have liked. my camera ran out of space!


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