Wednesday, March 11, 2009

free stuff...

Nope, it's not a give-away in the fun sense of the word, but it's free stuff all the same. I'm doing some cleaning up of the sewing room and getting rid of things I know I'll never use. Rather than just toss these I had the thought that maybe somewhere there was someone who might want them. Seriously you will not hurt my feelings if you don't want them...hey, I don't.

So we'll work it this way: if one person wants them...great! If more than one person wants them then I'll draw names and winner takes them. If you only want some of them, that's fine too and maybe we can divey them up!

These were made in the one and only class I ever took...Dresden pinwheels things made from doing the stack and cut method...So here's what I have: 10 completed Dresdens (above) with NO centers...8 1/4" wide from point to point....

And 2 packs of already cut wedges for the same size...10 Dresdens in each pack...for a total of 20 more Dresden circles.
6 smaller Dresdens 7 1/2" from point to point with green centers. They can easily be removed and changed.

Plus 8 pre-cut wedge bundles for 8 more smaller Dresdens.

I've already made 2 quilts with these things and I have no plans for any more, so if you want them they are yours FREE~! Here's how I set mine 4 years ago...see how long these have sat around?? Thanks ladies!

WOW! I'm shocked. I honestly thought nobody would want these guys, so I'm happy to pass them along. So that anyone who comes by knows...I'll leave it open until Friday at noon and then put the names in a hat and have hubby draw out a name. IF the winner doesn't want all of them, I'll go to the second name drawn and see if you want the rest of them.


  1. Thanks so much for the offer...I would love them!

    Mary Jo in Iowa

  2. OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh! I would love the large (and/or small) completed plates. We're making charity quilts for the local childrens shelter and I think the teenagers would think these were awesome! I'm sure you will have tons of takers, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep checking in. Thanks!!!!

  3. How could anyone not want them? I'd be thrilled to have my name drawn.

  4. Wow, I too would love some of this. I would be happy with the 8 pre-cut wedges for the smaller Dresdens (if you would ship to more than one person?) THey would make a great runner!
    Sharon T

  5. Oh my, how fun. I've always wanted to try making a Dresden plate. If you have anything left over, I'd love to give it a try. Thank you so much for your generosity. Your work is lovely. :)

  6. Such a wonderful give-away. I love Dresdens. I'd like to be put in the drawing any one of the selections would be fine with me.

  7. Oh Judy....I tried to be firs to comment when this post was just minutes old and my computer started acting up! If there is a name drawing can I be added?

  8. Oh I would be interested if the offer is still open. I would like either the larger or smaller completed dresdens. I have a good idea already floating in my head. Actually the smaller ones would work better for the idea. Hope I can be put in a drawing.

  9. Hello !! I want have all your Dresden Plates !!!But I´m far away from your Home . Hugs from Chile , VerĂ³nica .

  10. I happened onto your blog and boy am I glad I did! I love your Dresden Stack n Whack blocks. They are beautiful. Please count me in.

  11. Those are sooo cool! When I first saw the picture before I read the text I was thinking "Judy made those?"! They really look great though. I've been wanting to try that method someday! We did a small one once for a friend who likes pigs and fussy cut the wedges for the pigs! Have fun cleaning!

  12. I'm thinking my email address didn't show up on your end. I have just updated my blog to show my address when I post comments to other blogs. Sorry about that, hope this works!

  13. wow those are stunning. I could make them into a wonderful quilt too.

  14. Wow!! I would love to have your cast offs. I'd be pleased to have just some of them :)

  15. It sure would be fun to design a quilt with your fabrics.Please put my name in for the drawing. Bonnie in Tx.

  16. Beautiful fabrics...thank you for being so generous.Please enter me in your drawing

  17. You can stick my name in there please!

  18. Thanks for offering these blocks, they look like they'd be great to put together for the bushfire victims here in Australia, all aussie quilters are donating blocks & quilts to the victims. I would love to win them

  19. I would love a chance in your drawing!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. I love those, just discovering the dresdens
    I would love to get the 10 big ones and the 2 packages of cut big wedges

  21. Absolutely beautiful!!!!! When I first saw this post those blocks made my heart sing! Your finished quilt is beautiful - but to not want another ....... our gain! Thank you for your generosity.
    Kind regards - Dawn


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!