Thursday, March 12, 2009

can I just say...

WOW! I'm shocked. I honestly thought nobody would want these guys, so I'm happy to pass them along. So that anyone who comes by knows...I'll leave it open until Friday at noon and then put the names in a hat and have hubby draw out a name. IF the winner doesn't want all of them, I'll go to the second name drawn and see if you want the rest of them.

Now yesterday I started to get out my list and see what I had down to get done.... loads really to choose from. Well what do you do when you feel like doing none of them??? You make a new top!

I went through this book looking for the quilting design on this quilt. I'm about to finish another one and this will be hand quilted next, so I wondered how they quilted it way back when it was first made. It was so much smaller and the pictures shows that she just did small lines of stitches. Looks like she was practicing her quilting stitch. Hey, she was only 7 at the time!

Meanwhile, a few pages over was this wonderful top and I just started pulling fabrics! It took longer to pick just the right fabrics than to sew it together! I love how it seems that they had squares of color that they cut into 9 sections. See the 5 red squares and then the 4 others in another. The same with the pink squares. I tried to stay as close to the colors and choices as the original.

After I got the top done I decided the little triangle pin cushion wasn't working for me anymore, so I grabbed 2 fabrics from my Jan Patek scrap bag and made myself a little round puff. Much better!


  1. What a fabulous little quilt and the colours have worked the green in the border and the clever use of fabrics in the 9 patches.....the new pincushion is pretty cute! Can never have too many!

  2. Cute, cute little it! What a great new pin cushion!

  3. What sweet little numbers!!

  4. The wee nine patch is a beauty, You must show us all your doll quilts together when you've quilted them.

  5. Love your little quilt *and* pincushion. It would be nice to do a little project for a change. So cute!

  6. Oh I love your new mini! It is wonderful! and your new pincushion is fun too!!!!

  7. What a sweet little quilt! Not many 7 year olds handquilt these days!

  8. Love your new pincushion - looks so plump and lovely!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  9. Cute pincushion . . . I've got that fabric around here somewhere *s*

  10. I love the little quilt and your pincushion is very cute too. Your still busy as ever over there I see.


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