Tuesday, December 9, 2008

SLOL changes and finishes...

I got my top section completed and all done!! I know the top is ragged, but I'm leaving it until the whole quilt top is done...it will make trimming easier with no miss cuts.

I got all the embroidery done on the sections and I already put all the button eyes on the quilt. I know most say never do it before quilting, but I'm very careful when I quilt and I also plan to quilt in the ditch anyway with hand quilting added for some of the appliqued blocks. There's no problem of buttons appearing in the seams!

Close-up of the left side....

and the right side.

It's a wonderful quilt and I know that some people get overwhelmed when seeing the whole quilt and get scared. Don't think about the whole quilt at once. Just pick one block, read the directions and start slow. I know the instructions are a bit crude to some who are used to being lead by the hand with most patterns, but these patterns are this way so you can add your own personality to the design. As long as YOU like the way it looks...it's perfect! I'm moving on to get all the rest of the economy blocks done for the right side and the houses and stuff so I can get done and start quilting!!

***Now, I am no longer over at the other blog centered around doing this quilt...after all as Beth pointed out, it's her blog, and I certainly have other things I could be doing with my time. SO looky right over on the top of the right sidebars section and you will see the link to the Sweet Land of Liberty Quilt Tips Page!*** Everything is still right there as it was and has been.

I'll explain my reasons for removing myself from the blog as well as anything contributed by me later.


  1. Your quilt is looking awesome...I'm going to get going on it after the first of the year. I'll be checking your tip page for help. Thanks so much!

  2. You have really inspired me to work on some Cheri projects after the holidays. I am still debating on whether to join you with the ABC Sampler or not ....depends on a few things but am sure I will decide by Jan. 1st. Thanks for all your inspiration!

  3. These BOM's are a labor of love . . . but well worth every minute of stitching.

  4. thank you so much for having the tip pages on your blog
    I love your work and the help you offer.
    I want to get going on the SLOL very soon and the ABC Sampler still looking for a place to buy it from as a bom.
    Maybe I should just buy the patterns and use my own fabric. Have to get thru Chrismtas first.
    Love all the quilts you make, you really inspire me .

  5. I love it...It is such a wonderful quilt!! So you are going to start on ABC after Christmas??? Is this open to all? :o)

  6. JUDY (yes, I'm yelling LOL) I opened your blog and Sweet Land of Liberty took my breath away. It's stunning! I've really been thinking long and hard about doing the ABC Sampler after the first of the year. Can I play with you?

  7. OH my goodness that quilt is absolutely wonderful. It is a huge project and your right to look at it as one block at a time. Your work is beautiful and I'm always so inspired when I stop by - thank you for that.

    Hugs - Karen

  8. It's wonderful!!!! I just got that pattern and the ABC Sampler which I'll start on first. Can I play too?

  9. I love it!! And you have a tip page...hmmm that might give me the courage to try :)

  10. Judy, love the quilt! Might even get brave and tackle it myself! Thank you so much for keeping the tips on your blog ;) rosemary

  11. All I gotta say is YOU GO GIRL!!! Your quilt is wonderful and I'm glad you've got your tips for making the quilt. We'll ALL be checking it out.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!