Monday, December 8, 2008

more pokeberry...

and a police update! Thanks for all the funny comments! Poor babies looked like criminals for sure! I'm happy to report that the victim was found unharmed under some gold homespun fabric on the sewing table. Evidently the rookie cop assigned to search that spot will be assigned to a desk for a while. Birdy was perfectly okay. Seems the "perps" tossed him aside to really get at the leaves and their freezer paper overcoats. I think he fled and went into hiding for safety myself! Since the quilt has several birds in various spots I'll keep his twin and put him someplace else. I swear I asked that cat all day where to find my bird.

I did get a couple more blocks done as well as the aforementioned bird placed in his rightful place on the next block waiting to be sewn down.

The bird bird, blue bird and a nice crow...

and the flying geese block. I love this block, it's so colorful.

I'm getting the last of the buttons sewn on the top section of Sweet Land of Liberty so I'll make sure to show that tomorrow or the next day. I'm not sure how much I'm going to sew tonight, I'm tired and I just got the tree up with the lights on and the garland strung. Can I stop there? Does it really have to have ornaments? Never wait this late to put up the tree. I know for me it's too late and I feel tired and like I won't get enough enjoyment from all the work. Of course I could just be whining...nah, not me.

I got the only store shopping I had to do done quickly today with almost no crowds! Target on Mondays is slow?? Who knew? I picked up 3 things for hubby, 2 for me *s*, and one from SANTA. See ya tomorrow!

***ALSO** if you are looking for anything on my blog that you can't find, let me know. It's still all here. On the right side are the other pages I'm keeping: the Sweet Land of Liberty Block by Block Tips and the ABC Quilt Sampler Tips. Also Tutorials, My Projects, and Archives. Also the place to find most of the stuff I used in the blog re-do...credits and stuff.
Most of the photo gallery stuff and participating webrings are on the left sidebar! ***


  1. I hope the exonerated will be getting some sort of apology treat - they deserve it *s*

  2. Very beautiful blocks! Love the fabrics too!

  3. How funny! I clicked over here and thought "Wait a minute! Didn't I click on Judy's blog?!" I guess I haven't visited for a couple days! The layout looks great and I really LOVE the mug shots--just remember, though, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty! LOL! I'm glad your missing bird turned up safe and sound!

  4. Glad to see that the missing bits have been found...;o)
    Do have a question for you... under your "currently working" on you have those diagrams with do you make them???

  5. Love your color choices and the blocks are really nice too!

  6. I knew those sweet kitties were innocent...LOL! Love your blocks.

  7. Glad to hear the kitties are out of trouble. They just look too innocent. I love your projects and the new blog is awesome.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!