Monday, December 22, 2008

folksy hearts...

Folksy Hearts
pattern by cheri payne
30 x 43

Now I have to decide whether or not to spend the hand quilting time on it or just machine quilt. I'd love to hand quilt it, and I have the time... but do I give up the wellness time taken away from my arm and finger, considering the tendon issues. They are already getting touchy with the pokeberry hand sewing. Oh well, I'll decide in the next day or so. Could always big stitch it...that would be cool too.

**Just in case anyone asks, I got this pattern at Country Loft. It's an older one and not on Cheri's site anymore. **


  1. I love it!!! Kind of looks like a hand quilted piece....Curl up by 'It's a wonderful Life' and you'll have it done in no time...

  2. Judy, I love it! I think Big Stitch quilting would look fabulous! Would it be easier on your arms?

  3. Big stitch would be just right.

  4. Oh this is soooo cool! I love it. I"m not usually too into hearts but I love this!

  5. I love it! You must hand quilt and big stitch would be great.

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Perfect, love your fabric choices and oh yes take your time and big stitch you have a month before you need it, at least a few weeks!
    Another one on my list to make!

  7. What a great quilt Judy - perfect choice of fabrics. I would definitely big stitch it - either a diamond grid or Baptist fans. Just do a little each day. I'm so sorry to hear that you are still having arm issues. I'm sure it's so frustrating to you. I know how you feel - my eyes are getting so bad that I can applique for only and hour or so before I start seeing double and must rest my eyes. Usually that's when I'd get onto the computer, but that's just as hard on my eyes!

  8. Very cute! Big stitch quilting would suit it perfectly.

  9. Love it Judy!!! I agree the big stitch quilting would be great on that.

  10. Oh Judy I love it! You're ready for Valentine's Day!

  11. Totally wonderful. I was thinking about a heart quilt today.

  12. That is the first Cheri pattern I ever bought!! I haven't made it yet though. I love how yours turned out!


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