Sunday, December 21, 2008

christmas goodies...

My wonderful mailman trudged up my stairs late Saturday with a goodie box for me from none other than Miss Sharon! Who doesn't love a box that comes with it's own wrapping! Red with big green Christmas Trees! These are the best boxes!

I carefully cut open the box and was so excited to take out a fabulous big zipper bag made my Sharon. Too heavy all by itself, I knew it had several things inside. A wonderful punch needle pattern, a cute little notepad for my purse, some paper hanky's and the cutest Mary Englebreit bar of soap. Look at the cute cherry design pressed into the soap!

Thanks Sharon so much for my box of goodies!


  1. what wonderful presents, lucky you!
    cute soap, I haven't seen those before...

  2. What a fun, fun box of Christmas goodness!

  3. wow it looks like christmas has come early :D the gifts are really sweet

  4. A box of fun - you must have been a very good girl. :-)

  5. Oh...Sharon she has really made a wonderful package for you... lovley gifts... :o)

  6. You received such a sweet gift, isn't Sharon wonderful. Enjoy all your goodies.


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