Monday, November 10, 2008

wow a week went by...

I wasn't taking a break, really, just busy working. Hubby's been burning off his usual last minute, end of the year onslaught of vacation build-up. He always has this "oops I have 4 weeks of vacation and 6 weeks till the new year" thing happen to him. So he's been off most Fridays or at least half days. He'll be off this Thursday and Friday if all goes as planned too.

I took a break from day time machine sewing the last two days and did some much need cleanup in the sewing room. It was a mess! All those things you think you need to save and 6 months later you haven't needed nor wanted them! Gone! Lots of plastic containers...emptied and in the attic. Stuff lying around? Gone or put away. I did manage to re-arrange my books and claim 2 shelves for my wool. Who knew I has so much wool?

I love to organize stuff. Top shelf: Browns and greens on the left....Blues, purples and pinks on the right.

On the bottom shelf I put the cremes, whites, blacks, light tans with all the reds and oranges on top. then I stacked my little stack of larger scraps on top of that pile. next to it is the re-claimed metal mesh CD holder.

I didn't need the CD's out anymore, so I thought it would make the perfect holder for all those tiny pieces that work perfectly with wool. These colors are so yummy!

I've been moving right along with my top border of the SLOL quilt until this morning when I realized that Christmas is coming way too fast! I'll never get all I want done if I stay working on this project. SO sadly, it will get finished in a few weeks. It can sit quietly on the board waiting for me. I have sewn down all the vines, berries, basket, stars and the word "Sweet". The bird needs to be turned and sewn as well as the rest of the words and the hand on the left side.

***Here's a tip for you...see the top of the border? It's above the stars?? That's because it's never a good thing to cut your borders the actual size before sewing on all that applique. Believe me it will shrink up. Now if it's the only thing to match up, no biggie...but it has to match the stars and no way would it still be 6.5" if I pre-cut before sewing. SO I left a good inch and will trim it even once it's all done *****

Now I have to get back to the Nativity Quilt so I can hang it this Christmas!! I think I have an allergy to wool...a tiny one anyway. All those teeny minute fibers that come off when you cut the wool gets between my fingers right where they join the hand and kill me. Look at your scissor blades next time you cut and you'll see them!! I have to run my fingers under water and then put powder on them to get the irritation to stop. So I've gone to wearing cotton gloves when I sew wool! It's quite comical looking. I took an old pair of cotton white gloves and cut off all the fingertips. Now it stays out of my finger joints and my finger tips are out for sewing. hubby says I look ridiculous...but hey I'm sewing wool, aren't I?

Stay's a nice 58 here today!


  1. I have an allergy to wool - actually the lanolin in the wool so I can see that your "silly" gloves would be helpful. :-) They are quite cute. teehee

    As usual your show and tell is beautiful. Always love to see what you've been doing.

  2. Well arent you the stylish one?? LOL!!!
    Nice organized wool you have there. I need to do some organizing myself. Big time!
    I am loving your quilt.

  3. First, your SLoL is just awesome! Look at all that fun! I just love to look at it...and for the gloves...well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Glad it's working! Can't give up the wool.

  4. I LOVE your quilt, your work is beautiful, it will be great when you get it done. Of course I love to see all of your wool and your gloves are stylin - but a great idea. I'm with you - starting to get nervous about getting things made for Christmas gifts. Time to make a list.


  5. That's quite a collection of wool you've got going there . . . I remember when you started, and it hasn't been that long *s*
    Istn't it funny how the holidays sneak up on us. I thought I had just a jump start with the stockings, but now I need things to put in them. I must sit down, make a list and decide what I need to do for those gifts that get mailed away. Time is ticking away . . . .

  6. I had to laugh when I read about your husband's vacation time...we're in the same situation! It's nice to have them around, but it does break one's routine. (And I do love my routine!)
    I think the *every 6 months* rule is probably a good one regarding the stuff that accumulates around the sewing room. And everywhere else, for that matter!

  7. I actually think it was very clever of you to think of making those gloves!

  8. Oh look at all your beautiful wool! I like the cd holder for scraps. Don't worry about your week unplanned break I'm on about a 3 week unplanned break lolol. Life just can get so in the way of blogging can't it? That's so sad about your wool allergy...hmmm you may have to send me all your wool lol! If those gloves ever start bugging you--you might give "Gloves in a Bottle" a try. I just went and looked at my bottle and there is no lanolin in it. It creates an invisible barrier and acts like a pair of gloves. I have actually used bleach with this and it really works and it doesn't feel weird at all. I'm really picky about things on my hands lol!

  9. It is such a good feeling to clean and reorganize isn't it? Then you are ready for a new project!

  10. Thanks for the sewing room photos...I am in the midst of planning my new layout. If I don't do it while we move in it may never happen!

  11. Love your new organized wool collection. It looks so pretty like that. I wish I had more storage space...I'm in trouble!


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