Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I think I made a choice...

First let me just say that everyone who can find a way should make sure they....


Thanks to my pal Wendy mentioning a lovely variegated red perle cotton I have made a decision on how I'm going to proceed with the Vintage Snowmen stitchery pattern. Actually I found the color in the Valdani list about the same time Wendy suggested the color and once the spools arrived...YUM! They are so lovely looking. The solid red will be used for other projects.

Of course red is very hard to photograph so it always looks a bit more orange than in real life, but no amount of work in Picasa would adjust the color to exactly what it's true gorgeous-ness shows to the naked eye. In short..they are very yummy!!

I'm in serious need of binding duty this week as I have three...count'em 3, quilts done and waiting patiently for their bindings to be sewn. The Holiday Baskets, the Primitive Stick tree and another one that will go on the coffee table as a cat tummy warmer (or so they think). I was looking for something quick to make up when I came across the pattern for this that I printed off when Libby and several other made one a long time ago. I'll admit that you have to read this several times to get it and they still made a mistake in the directions. They keep saying use a dark strip for the setting diamond halves but they clearly show it as the lighter color. I also didn't realize until after I was done sewing the top together that I got one extra row when cutting triangles! I like the size so half setting triangles at that end work for me. Seriously, it's just for the coffee table and the cats will lay on it, so no "masterpiece" is needed.
*** I will give you the tip that using just 9 colors is really not enough to get a nice mix of colors. Use FQ's and do at least 14 or 16 colors for the dark section. It was very hard to get an even distribution of color and no overlap****

Hope you don't have to wait too long today in lines. I for one am sooooo glad it over! We live right in the South-eastern part of Virginia, which has been said by some to the the section of the country which will decide the race. Lord knows being a 'swing state' was bad enough. But 10 calls a day and 8 mailers a day is too much for any human to stand and not get sick of the whole thing!

This says it all! It was in our local paper today! Have a great day!


  1. The varigated red is perfect! Oh, I can't wait to see the first one. Oh so cute!

  2. I don't remember the pattern issue . . . just goes to show I'm not always a thorough reader on such things. I just knew which color I wanted for my setting pieces and proceeded *s* No brains - no headaches.

  3. 1. Pretty Valdani....I love using it!

    2. Voted last week and will be so happy to get this over with. I'm so tired of hearing all the political adverts.

    3. I posted pumpkin bread last week with that same little quilt pattern posed in the photo. In fact, made two long runners "opposites" and then two smaller "opposites."

  4. Love that thread. Im sure that color is great. Lovin that new quilt you did too. Man you sure get alot done over there.
    DING DONG I think I hear your doorbell again. LOL!!!

  5. I love the quilts you've been showing while I've been gone Judy! You've been a busy girl! And congrats on your new Rowenta -- I've had mine for something like 15 years and I LOVE it. I've heard lots of ladies say that they have problems with them. I don't know what your instructions say for water, but I've always used bottled water (the kind you get in the grocery store for about 70 cents a gallon) and it's worked great for me!

  6. LOL that is too funny :) Living in Ca. we didn't get any calls or people at the door thankfully! And no one in line at the polls either--yay!! I was debating ordering some of that variegated thread but there was no picture on the website. I think I'll definitely get some now.

  7. Oh you got your thread, I do love the colour. I posted the first Christmas block using that thread. I then found out the pattern has many errors...I don't think I'll be making the whole quilt.

    I love you coffee table quilt, I remember when Libby did it and I read the pattern but didn't "get it" so I dropped that one.

  8. Love your quilt! That cartoon looks like our home, we got call after call after call...no lines at our place, I just walked right in, voted and was off to the grocery store!


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