Friday, November 21, 2008

o man...

This is just too much fun. Can't stop myself. Looky what I found at the Goodwill today. I stopped at 4 men's wool jackets because my hands were on fire and I need to leave some for the men who might actually need coats. 100% wool jackets in the loveliest plaids and patterns. I'll keep a section of each as is, but then I'll over-dye the heck out of them. What did they cost, you might ask??? At DAV they would have been $25 each. Guessed? $6.99 each!! And one was 1/2 off because the lining was ripped. That's roughly 1/3 yard easy of wool in each one. Lovely patterns and I can't wait for my new dye order to arrive!


  1. You are just having way too much fun with this wool. I love wool as well. I can't wait to see what colors you end up with. What are you going to make in the end?

  2. Those wool jackets are gorgeous...they will dye up beautifully!

  3. Oh man, I can't wait too see what they look like dyed!


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