Friday, November 21, 2008

nativity quilt...

A few people have emailed and commented about what the Nativity quilt was and who made I thought I would post an update and some info.

Like I told's a Cheri Payne pattern! I'm "all Cheri, all the time" at the moment..or seems to be, although that's gonna let up soon! Well except for finishing the SLOL and starting the ABC sampler. Well okay, maybe not, but heck I love her stuff, so why fight it.

All the wool is down and I have to decide what wording to do on the top, copy that and stitch. But today I am making the border and getting the green vines and flowers that go across the bottom edge done so I an sew them on tonight.


  1. Aren't you glad you didn't put the flying tree across the top *s* I can hardly wait to put this quilt up . . . next week!

  2. OMG is that ever CUTE! LOVE it!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!