Tuesday, November 18, 2008

IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!


and now it's done....... 3:30 PM! Okay that was cool and way too fast. But hey snow!

I wanted to include these earlier but the wool pictures took up all the room, so double posts day. Last year when Kim started this class, a bunch of us ordered the package of patterns and vowed to begin the quilt. I think Carol did one block. I did none. Truth be told I forgot the whole thing. Now Kim's quilt is done and I am still looking at the pattern. But she inspired me so much that I went on a little shopping spree for lovely Christmas fabrics!

Yum I found some great pieces for backgrounds and pieces for all the other parts too. Oh I love to shop for fabrics! This first bunch came from the LQS. I was not thrilled to see that they had sold out of almost all the ones I went to go get, but slackers can't be choosy. I got some lovely ones for backgrounds on the right.

The next bunch arrived yesterday from Fabric Shack! I had a blast in the Thimbleberries Christmas group!

These with just a few more should get me more than done with this quilt. I'm starting way early next year with things for the holidays and this stack will fit my Christmas List quilt perfectly!


  1. S*N*O*W!!!!! It was 82 here today *s*

  2. oooo pretty! We had snow yesterday! heavy flurries all day, but nothing really stuck.

  3. HMMMM - What's Snow? LOL

    Oh, I wanted to do that Christmas quilt, too but never ordered the patterns. Now I'm really tempted. :-) You've chosen some lovelies!


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