Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hey she sews!!....

Did you think I stopped sewing and went into dying?? Heck it could be a nice sideline business, it's totally fun and I had a blast again today with green and red!

BUT FIRST!! Some actual sewing that I can show! My Trees Up! Lights ON! Christmas quilt finally got it's binding on and sewn down! Yippee! It's hanging folded on the back of the rocker at this very moment! Don't mind the hands of the quilt holder...or the fact that I left the pantry door open on the left side. Oops!I'm one shepard and one sheep away from getting the appliques done on the Nativity Quilt and once they are done I have to make the borders and sew on the flowers and vines across the bottom....then quilting! I've also got the snowman's top done too and waiting to sew down the applique's after I quilt. The mad dash for Christmas quilts to display will come to an end for this season. I'm pooped.

Now onto the fabulous cool thing I now do in the mornings....DYEING WOOL!!!Today I did Weathered Barn (red) and Forest Floor. Weathered Barn red isn't true bright red but a rather pinky dark rustic red. Very hard to get a correct picture with the right color. I had to use the Ott light for this one!

The top row is all the pieces left for about 30 minutes for full color. I played with the bottom pieces...
...far left was removed after 5 minutes to get a medium raspberry color.
...Next over is the lg plaid removed at 8 minutes
...the next 2 were put in at 8 minutes and you can see the dye didn't make it all the way into the wool. Notice the second from the right? It was light blue to begin with so it turned more purple-y. This is very cool to do...have I said that?

Next came green and wow the colors in the dye are really neat. Greens, browns and some red. They mottled a lot more. Enlarge and look at the lower has greens in the top right, and some brown blotches around with strands of red almost. Neat colors in this dye.

Well two more colors to go...Cocoa and Purple.... and I run out of both wool and dye, but I did place another order today for some different colors...teal, granny smith apple, orange, pinks. Should be fun.


  1. Do you see the eyes looking off to the left in that last photo? Way kewl! It looks like some eye study sketches I've seen in sketchbooks.

  2. Nice job on the Christmas quilt. I just finished mine, too.

  3. I have been looking for this tree pattern sence I first saw it. It's came out beautiful. Do you mind telling me where you got it. Thank you.

  4. I remember this tree quilt now - I really hope to put a true push for some new, larger Christmas quilts for next year. Last year was one good sized one and this year the small ones. Push me to do that sampler - I really want it so badly *s*

  5. Wow-Judy! I am so psyched about your wool dying! That is awesome! Great website --thank you!

  6. Your tree quilt is wonderful! Your wool dying is just awesome...I'm thinking you may have a website in your future...LOL!

  7. love the tree quilt , yes another one I need to finsih.
    I am so impressed with your wool dying
    yes I hope a website is in your future, you know how I have been tempted to buy some wool :)
    Love the reds on the top of the picture and the tans/greens beautiful....
    you may have just found your calling!

  8. Your wool dying is wonderful, Judy. And, the fact that you're having so much fun makes it more wonderful. :-)

    The trees are cute, cute, cute!

  9. Good grief! I just wrote you a VERY long comment. When I tried to save it I got a new screen that said "blogger edit error - too many edits caused a problem saving the comment." It suggested I use my browser's back arrow and try again. Of course, it was in a window with no back arrow! And I didn't edit the comment a single time! I think I'll just repeat it in an email to you, as I had a bunch of questions.

  10. Love the trees! And you did a wonderful job dying the wools.

  11. I love your trees. The dying results look great!

  12. It's wonderfull !! I love your dying wool. I have no idea that we can dye the wool and as I can't find hand dyed wool in France, I will try to do my own dying wool.Thank you for your inspiration...
    laure from France

  13. I love that tree quilt. And the wool...mmmmm. I looked back at that bottom piece after reading the comment about the eyes, she's right. It looks like one of those pictures where people say they caught a ghost on film...ghost in the wool lol!!!

  14. I lvoe all of your dyed wool pieces! I really like this quilt and I need to make one for myself.

  15. Your Christmas Tree quilt looks so chic - a lovely twist from the normal Christmas tree quilts.

  16. Hi Judy! Dyeing some wool is one of those things I've been wanting to play around with but never find the time for. I'll live vicariously through your adventures with it. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!