Wednesday, July 16, 2008

LOOK!! to the right...

And see the pale teal button showing you an amazing wonderful quilt being given away by Old Red Barn Co. It's a beautiful quilt made with one of my recent favorite fabric designers... Sandi Henderson. In fact it contains the fabric I used to make the panels to cover my fabric filled bookcases. The post about the contest is found here.

Actually I love the quilt, but the maker LOVES the quilt. I'm talking sweaty palms, shaking, LOVES this quilt. SO I entered. I also wrote this post for 5 extra entries. I also put the button on the side bar for another 5 entries! But I don't want the quilt. Well, that's not true, I'd be happy to have the quilt in my house, it's that fantastic.

But I want HER to KEEP the quilt. SO that's 11 chances to have the quilt stay right where it is...


  1. That is sooo nice of you. I'd thought of putting my name in for exactly the same let her keep it if I won. I don't know how to put her on the side bar though and I'm really behind on my blogging and I don't think anyone reads it either!

  2. It is a lovely quilt, I don't blame her for wanting to keep it!!

  3. Is beautifull!!!!
    Ando too your blog!!!

  4. Thanks for the head's up!


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