Friday, July 18, 2008

here comes santa claus...

Happy to announce that I FINISHED my Christmas Sampler. Got the borders on last night and now I need to piece a back, get pinning and quilting. Hopefully I can do the machine quilting and it won't be too hard on my arms and hands. With breaks, I think it's doable.

Here Comes Santa Claus
55 x 65 inches
original pattern by Cheri Saffiote Payne

I love pictures for showing you what you've missed! Yes, the top angels are supposed to have heads. They will get them today. It's a bit blurry too, hubby did the best he could.

You might notice the wider borders on the top and bottom than the sides. Yea, had to be done because I made Cheri's pattern a bit wider than it called for and it ended up looking rather short and squatty, so it needed a bit more length. But I like it that way. Never cared if border were different sizes or the same. Actually some differences are cool. I'm so glad to have this one done and once it gets quilted I'll add all the buttons eyes and things and put the finished picture up for you to see!


  1. Oh I really like your Christmas quilt that is just wonderful!!!

  2. I thought about Christmas last week, next week I will begin my Works for Christmas.
    Your Quilt is wunderfull, gratulations
    Liebe Grüße
    Elisa aus Koblenz

  3. What a wonderful quilt! Nice, nice, nice work!!! I have Cheri's Alphabet Sampler pattern but get overwhelmed every time I take it out of the pattern envelope. What a beauty!

  4. Wonderful ! I love it !!!

  5. Really neat! Take care not to do too much. You don't want to have a set back!

  6. Judy it is just awesome...I must get going on mine. You've motivated me once again.

  7. Absolutely marvelous Judy! The head thing made me chuckle - just like something I would do. I'm happy to see you are able to sew some - I sure hope those arms are getting better every day. How awful not to be able to do something you love so very much. Can't wait to see this finished!

  8. LOOOVEEE your quilt Judy! Its so wonderful to see your finished quilt well in advance of Christmas. Just marvelous!

  9. That came out really cute. Is it smaller than the Sweet Land of Liberty Quilt? Hmmm, might just have to work on this one for a while instead. . . . I have the patterns . . . decisions, decisions!

  10. Thank you for sharinng the pic!!! A wonderful quilt, and you did a fabulous job!!! Love Cheri's designs.

  11. Woohoo you are really moving along..I love that quilt and it's done way before Christmas. Don't over do it thou.

  12. What a delightful quilt, Judy. I'm really glad that you've been able to do some sewing. Careful!

  13. I'm not too much into x-mas samplers, but here you did some awsome work, just love that scrappy look

  14. I love this - well done on getting it finished!

  15. the Christmas quilt is fantastic, I have been watching the progress of the Kaffe BOM, I love it too. I wish I had time to sart another project. I don't, so Kaffe's BOM will go on the todo list.

  16. Oh boy! I just love it *sigh* It has been such fun watching it come together . . . I know how excited you must be knowing you are going to have that treasure up on the wall this year for the holidays. WooHoo!

  17. This is just so wonderful Judy! You did good!!!

  18. the quilt looks great. I started a blog

    the xmas sampler was at the shop here in la mesa several years ago.
    buggy barn even sells kits now.


  19. Just in time for Christmas in July. ;)

    We used to have the best time at summer camp, hanging up our socks and singing about reindeer, Frosty, and winter wonderlands when it was 90+ degrees in the shade... lol

  20. Oh, Judy, the quilt is wonderful! I still haven't started my last block. Maybe after vacation. Are you going to quilt it yourself or send it out? Are you going to do another Cheri quilt?

  21. I am very fond of Cheri's patterns, no way to find this wonderful one anymore...your quilt is wonderful!


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