Thursday, March 6, 2008

Where does the time go....

I thought I was posting nearly every day....huh, it's been 3 days. Well at least sewing and washing have gotten done. I swear I don't think I'll ever get the washing and re-folding done. But it does look good, so I won't complain as much. let's see what have I been doing???

Oh yea, more Civil War Blocks...

Southern Notes, pg.45 D...should have been pink and green, but again I seem to love pink and green blocks so I changed the color.

Provisions, pg 179 LL

Florida has Seceded, pg 135 LL

Then I finally stopped cutting blocks and decided to sew one of the NJ Twelve Triangles blocks for the reproduction quilt. The magazine calls it Scrappy Squares, but Kathie told me the correct name and where it was originally shown and I like using the original designers name better. So to follow her, I'm calling it NJ Twelve Triangles. Get it? Came out like a dream even with having to dip off the corners to get the triangles laid out correctly.

I plan to work on these blocks today as well as a quick quilt using up some charm squares...can you see the colors in the rings? they are rather soft, but it's only a quick throw together quilt so I don't want to fuss forever on it. I have to pull some brown to finish off the edges and get it quilted.

Well computer time is way up. so off to sew some more! I'll have more finished projects to sew later this weekend. Lots of handwork just about getting finished too, but who wants to see never ending progress on "just a few more stitches taken". Have a quilty day everyone!


  1. OMG you have been one very busy girl...I've done nothing this week but play with my little man...FUN!
    I am nuts about the NY Twelve Triangles...I must add that to the To Do list.

  2. Lookking good Judy! I've not seen the NJ Twelve Triangles before - at least that I can remember. Love the block. Where is that pattern from? I odn't remember seeing Kathie make it. NJ in the name? Must be something she or another one of her gang found!

  3. ooo, love your fabric choices in the CW blocks!

  4. Love your little charm pack layout . . . is that from the Chocolat wovens?

  5. oh Judy, your blocks look great! oh I love the new block....oh no I can't start that yet...or
    can I? LOL

  6. OMG, Judy, I love your charm squares. They are so beautiful.*S*
    and boy! your CW blocks....You done so many!!! Wow!

    I love your header picture. They are SO cute!

  7. I love your provisions block! I made mine last night also! I LOVE that block! But yours is sooo much cuter than mine!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!