Friday, March 7, 2008

Blocks for today...

I really know that I have to move along on some other projects, but these things are so hard to set aside. Today's blocks...sorry for the differing picture sizes.

Top: Panic, pg. 157 Diary
Bottom: Writing Home on the Cars, pg 171LL

So far I've done these with cutting actual sized pieces, not paper piecing. I almost changed the rotation of the red and yellow in Panic, then decided to leave it as it was designed. Both blocks required measuring in the 16th's of an inch, so beware and have a good ruler!

Left: Wretchedly Cold Weather, Pg. 199LL
right: Guerrila Warfare, Pg 175D

Wretchedly Cold Weather was harder by far, than any block so far and should have been paper pieced at least in the center, but I measured well and cut the very small pieces and they went together well.

Happy sewing! Hubby's home sick and I'm going to do needlework!


  1. I don't have these books, so I'm a little lost. At 4 (or more) blocks a day, how long will it take to make your quilt? How many blocks are there?

  2. Wonderful, wonderful are flying!

  3. What kind of ruler has the 1/16" marks?

  4. I can't believe how many blocks you are getting made. I have the books but have decided not to try and start them now.

  5. Your blocks look fantastic. It is amazing you can do them without paper piecing. Wow.

  6. Great looking blocks! Wow, you are making great progress.

  7. Writing Home on the Cars is just lovely. And Southern Notes is very striking. You've obviously been measuring *very* well! :) Lily

  8. It is so amazing how I don't notice a block until it is really made up! Oh yours are all so wonderful!

  9. Judy, You are the fastest!*S* Lovely blocks, I specially love your Guerrila Warfare. The color scheme is just my taste!

  10.'ve done it now. I'm going online and ordering the book!


  11. I just got my books today for the Civil War blocks. I am anxious to start. Looks like you hae quite a few done.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!