Wednesday, March 26, 2008

CW blocks done...

Here are the blocks I got done today and yesterday...The more pieces the longer they take to make, especially when you do paper piecing or in my case faux pp'ing...

Troops Arriving....D Pg. 75Mail Delivery.... D Pg. 85Visit To Town... D Pg. 127Another Death...D Pg. 75
At Last a Free Man... LL Pg. 267
Everyday Chores... D Pg. 235


  1. Oh, you are so productive! Look at you, you made so many CW blosk and those are so beautiful. Thank you for a good motivation!*S*

  2. You are just too prolific with those CW blocks! I have both books and have not tried one! What do you do, just trace them and make templates from the book? Pointers please! Today I got a couple of the CW scrap bags from Homestead Hearth. Oooooh, aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

  3. Marvelous! I just love your fabric choices!

  4. Ooooh I love everyday chores! And the fabric you used too!

  5. Beautiful fabrics and beautiful blocksl

  6. Judy, you are like the Energizer bunny. Just keep going and going.

  7. Great looking blocks, you're on a roll...LOL

  8. Wow- these blocks are coming along quite nicely. You've managed to get a lot of them done. Keep up the good work.

  9. You must explain faux paper piecing - this sounds good! LOL

  10. too the fabrics and your "faux" paper piecing looks wonderful.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!