Saturday, March 29, 2008

Civil War Diary Block choices for the 8th week...

Since we had no takers, I volunteered to make the choices again this week. Now these again are ONLY suggestions and you can do any or all that you wish to make. I picked 8 of them so that if you had already done one, you can pick and choose.

Diary Book:
Pg.49.... Texas Rangers
Pg. 135.. Surrender of Vicksburg
Pg. 247.. Sugar Cane
Pg. 269.. The Farce of Reconstruction

Love Letters Book:
Pg. 163... Nothing Like an Affectionate Wife
Pg. 217... Guardian Angel
Pg. 243.. Circumstances Are Such
Pg. 265... Angel Visits

* I'm gonna require you to read Pg 269's entry for The Farce of Reconstruction just because I think it's such a good diary entry, this lady was thoroughly and completed pissed off! Man was she ever mad that the South had lost. Being a Southerner myself, I can totally understand! *g* Should be a good variety of hard, easy, and paper pieced.

You can get the pdf for the whole list by emailing me, OR ask in comments. But you must have an email I can send it back to...not thingy. Seriously ladies...I'm not hunting down emails. Look in my profile, click my email and send the request.


  1. Thanks for sharing your Civil War blocks - I especially like your Bull Run. I'm going to have a go at some of these blocks very soon.

  2. thanks for doing the list for the week - I will definately look at that entry too - I hope my CDs come this week. Would you please send me the PDF? thanks

  3. Aren't these sooo fun! I"m almost done with my challenge quilt so I can get back to them! Yes!

  4. I would love a copy of all the blocks so far. I am plugging away slowly - I too am waiting for my cd's to come. Thanks!

  5. i'd love to get the pdf file please, i've been following all you ladies and would love to have the list! scrpyqltr@


  6. Hi Judy, I think I have the entire list, but just in case can you send it to me? Thanks!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!