Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where does the time go...

Oh yea, the washing machine and I will be getting married real soon. I should say that I don't normally wash fabrics beforehand, especially if I'm making a wall hanging. But when you join a swap you have to wash and I started out in a CW swap for nickels, then Paducah 9 patches, and now I just swap 9 patches and P9P's with my bloggy good friend Carol and so I've stuck with pre-washing the CW fabric. It's funny since most of the fabrics anymore don't bleed. Oh, the red dye sheet was a lovely red color, but the rest, not so much.

So other than washing, I have reorganizing my fabric shelves. This is the before shot:

Homespuns on the left, CW on the right. Regular on the bottom shelves. It's changing! Gotta have room for the new stuff and I have been lazy lately and just sticking the ones I use back on the shelf at the top of the pile. It takes no time at all for all the colors to mix together like fruit salad. The cabinet on the left is also filled with fabrics too that need to be re-organized. Yikes!

But it's not all drudgery. I've been sewing and catching up... I made 6 blocks yesterday while ironing to catch me up on my current block list and I have 5 more all cut out waiting for me to sew. From left to right on the top row first, they are:

Hospitals.......Severe Fighting....Letters or Papers from Home....
A Beautiful Picture......Pleasant Campaign......and The Fall of RichmondNow to sew the ones for this week and the ones I picked out for next week. If you'd like to join us and want to know the list of suggested blocks, you can pop over to Kathie's and check them out. Scroll down for the list week by week. Oh and click on the sidebar link called Civil War Blocks to see each one up close and personal.

Just so you know I'm not totally nutty about doing only these blocks, I've got other things to get done today too, like getting my 30's string quilt ready for quilting, finishing hand quilting my Schoolhouse Quilt, sewing the piecing around the 2nd block in the Four Season's quilt. BTW, no fair that the local gals already have their 3rd section, ours won't go out till later this week. I finally got my next package for the Sweet Land of Liberty quilt and I'll get started on that as soon as I get my swap blocks all done for Ms. Carol. A load of stuff to do I know, but luckily I always have my quilting buddy to keep me company...does he look like he's interested in my work? Only thing that fat boy is interested in is someone walking by and stopping to rub his belly! Sew on!


  1. The question should be "how do you get so much done?"

  2. So your before picture looks like my after pics LOLOL!!! You have been a very busy girl--wow!!! I'm lovin' all your blocks..good job!

  3. I see that you have been a busy girl! I should post a picture of my fabric stash. Not nearly so neat as yours.

  4. I agree with Tammy, your before pictures look like the after around here. LOL!!!

  5. Oh man, I wish my place looked so good before or after *s* Someday . . . .

  6. You busy girl you. I wish my stash looks so neat and tidy. Want to come to my house and organize for me...LOL

  7. Oh, Your CW blocks are so beautiful together. I love it!

  8. Love all your pictures, but especially the kitty!! More pics of the kitty, please!


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