Saturday, February 23, 2008

Here's where I'll be for a while...

Oh the joys of having new fabric and the sorrows of having to wash it all. I don't pre-wash everything, just the CW's. Dawn said she loves it. My back does NOT! Not the ironing, that's fine. I love to iron, but the pulling the pieces from the washer in a tangled mess, and having to lurch over the washer cutting the strings...not so much! These are the first piles for the wash. Believe me it's only half of the haul I got. Yes, I went back for another few things today. Never done that before, but the wool was calling me. I've never seen wool anywhere near my house and I simply had to have a few more pieces...oh, and some red and navy from the Liberty Homestead lady...and another bundle; pink and brown. And I forgot to check Marcie's quilt at my local Nancy's Quilt shop booth...and that last booth on the way to the door out that had tons of CW FQ's and Jo Morton ones in particular. I blame it on the bundle lady, she told me they were not making poison greens at the moment, so I grabbed every one I saw. Got some lovely ones.

This is the largest collection of CW fabrics I have seen in my house. Hubby even said he thought I had quite an extensive collection now. Larger even than most...HA!! SO I showed him Sharon's room, someone else's room, Bonnie Hunters room, etc, etc. I was promptly told to turn off the computer and get away from the screen. LOL!

So after all the shopping, I have piles. Piles to wash, fold and sort. I did the browns and greens already, but I decided to re-fold them to make the extra pile fit on the shelf. Plus I'm taking the same plan that Kathie employs and cutting some pieces out right up front to add to a pile. A triangle from each for a 1000Pyramids quilt, and a tumbler piece. Plus I have 4 sizes of squares for the antique scrap quilt that I showed in the magazine here. Plus grabbing a few pieces here and there for new blocks for the Diary Quilt. I'm a bit behind this week with my required 7, but I'll catch up. Now to kick a brown kitty out of my chair so I can re-fold a few fabrics before bed!


  1. OMG I LOVE all the CW fabric you got...what fun! I want to do that quilt in the magazine too. I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I'm so glad you had a good time at the show. YIPPEE!

  2. When I wash my fabric, I put my fat quarters in the little laundry bags you normally would use for nylons, you can fit 2-4 fat quarters, and it cuts down on the tangled mess. I don't usually buy as much as you at one time, but I throw them in with my regular loads. I have even found larger bags that can accommodate larger pieces of fabric.

  3. Your have very yummy color fabrics!
    I always show other blogger's quilting room pics and fabric stashes for my hubby If he said something about my fabrics. *LOL*
    Your CW collection going to be the one of my excuse! *S*

  4. Wow Judy, you bought a lot. I can see some of the ones I have there - I really only buy Repros now. I don't wash my fabrics, only the high risk ones. If I do I put them in a mesh bag.

  5. You will be busy, busy! :-)

    When I've shared sewing room pictures with my hubby he will usually say "step away from the computer". LOL

  6. When I wash fabric - and that is RARE at best - I use the gentlest cycle which really cuts down on all those strings. It's not like the fabric is 'dirty' you are just wetting it to rinse out all the chemical gunks they put on. Have fun with your pressing and cutting - I guess we will both be doing the same thing today *s*

  7. Wow, what a collection. I really don't have much fabric. Just alot of kits. I was at a shop Saturday that had alot of Civil War fabrics and books. You will have to check out my blog, I have pictures.

  8. That's a wonderful haul you've got there...not too much I'd say. You'll have fun using those CW fabrics. I don't prewash unless it's red.

  9. Wow. Beautiful collection of CW fabrics.

  10. OMG I do the same thing when someone comments on the amount of fabric I have--I immediately take them on an internet tour of all the ladies who make my collection look paltry LOL!!!

  11. What a haul you made at the quilt show - good for you! You are going to have so much fun using all these fabrics!


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