Friday, January 25, 2008

Package Day...

Ready for another rant? Again with the tiny mailbox. I swear one of these days. Yesterday we had a relief driver so the guys stuffs two very thick priority packages of fabric in the tiny box and then leaves me a pink card for the boxes he couldn't fit in the mailbox. Hello...I was home! You could have rung the buzzer. I love my regular guy even more now. SO today I head out with my little card and go pick up this:
My Annie came! She's so perfect and little! I can see more of these girls coming to live at my house the the future! I also got a box of wool felt pieces to add to the colors needed for some of the sampler quilts I have coming up. The two poor Priority envelopes that were wedged into the mailbox contained my selection of fabrics I wanted from the Merrimack 1800's repro line, and these lovely guys below:

A few more homespuns for my Christmas sampler. Some red/green/ gold variations that I'll use for pieces and binding of the soon to be finished Christmas Sampler quilt. I doing the last of the few blocks on the bottom and should have the top together in about 2 weeks.

Now back to the string quilt and cutting some pieces for a valentine runner...another project thanks to Sharon!


  1. Glad you got your Annie, did you smell her? I told my daughter they smell like a vanilla latte! Where did you get your homespuns by the way?

  2. Those Annie's are just showing up everywhere I click *s* Love your new fabrics - particularly the teensy reds.

  3. Cute Annie! I found this Annie lady's website several years ago and tempted to purchase her dolly but unfortunately I never did.
    Now You gave me the Annie fever again! *LOL*
    Also your plaids are just great! perfect for your Christmas sampler. :-)

  4. Annie is really, really cute. There seems to be "Annie Fever" going around now. They are popping up on Blogs.

  5. Cute Annie! I ordered one at Christmas and never showed her off. :-( She's packed away - that's actually very silly - I need to pull her out. She should be out year around. :-)

    Yummy looking homespuns!

  6. Your Annie is SOOOOOO cute! Love those homespuns...can't wait to see you Christmas quilt.

  7. Thanks for sharing such wonderful information

  8. Cute, cute Annie!! She is gorgeous

  9. Oh Judy - your Annie is just perfect! I'm so glad you and Darlene gifted yourselves with these. I think I need to put one of these on my birthday wish list!1


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