Sunday, January 27, 2008

I really wish I was a faster sewer. So many seem to have that ability to sit right down and get moving and keep going until they have a whole quilt top done. That ain't me. Don't know what it is about me that makes me less focused, but I know I'm not the only one. I try to, but I look around, I get up, I watch tv, I check the internet...all in just minutes but they add up. I have to accept that I guess and realize it's not a's a hobby.

Today I am getting an early start and going until I get some things done (says the gal who's on the computer). I started these yesterday, got everything cut and got 2 blocks of 6 done. Thanks Sharon for telling us how to make these. They will make a great table mat! ON that note....GET UP JUDY!! I'm off to sew and OFF THE COMPUTER!! *s*


  1. First of all the hearts are darling - love the idea of a tablemat. I don't have a Valentine's Day tabletopper - did you just plant an idea seed? LOL

    I made an adorable Valentine's Day wall hanging yesterday that I will share on my blog sometime today!

    You're talking about being slow - you, my dear Judy are NOT slow - you sew "quick like a bunny" (sorry, I couldn't resist). Please, don't beat yourself up over something we're suppose to be enjoying. Just have fun! :-)

  2. Your heart blocks look so fresh! They'll be so pretty on your table in February.
    Isn't that the truth about the computer? So many inspiring people and projects but reading about them takes away from worktime. If you can balance it, I guess it's a good tradeoff, but some days, it's hard, isn't it? (I'm a *drifter*, too.)

  3. You just described how things work for me too...I don't seem to be able to stay focused and do little bits of things all day. I wish I could sit down and finish a quilt.

    Those are such adorable hearts, I love the polka dot background. I've been thinking about doing some too.

  4. You must be in a mood for Valentine's Day. I don't have a Valentine quilt. Mmmmmm. Maybe I should get busy.

  5. Oh Judy those are so you know have described me on any given day...up and down. I got more sewn at Sharon's in 2 sittings that I could get done here in 4 days. I need to do better...but you are so right...we do this for fun and it's not a race.

  6. Your hearts are very sweet! Love those pinks and reds.

    Judy, yes,You are not the only one, I feel just like you.
    I check the internet every morning and actually it's ended up for spending more times front of my PC!

  7. Your hearts are adorable.

    I multi-task all day long. I'll spend some time sewing at the machine, do some handwork, a load of laundry, sort scraps, iron fabric, check e-mails, check blogs, etc. I seldom stay on one task for any longer than an hour. So, you are not alone.

  8. Your heart quilt is soo cute! I love the polka dots! I am the same far as the computer stuff, I used to get more done...BUT I wasn't getting the inspiration I am now-- so I think the trade off is worth it! g

  9. But... It is not about fast. It is about how much you are enjoying yourself. Savor every moment spent stitching. Fast is only for races and we aren't racing.

  10. Hmmm, I wonder if I could scrounge up enough pinks/reds to make one of those for myself? Although, I could be totally different and make it in browns/tans . . .

  11. Don't you remember the tortise and the hare? Slow and steady wins the race. Your work is beautiful and in the end no one will notice how long it took to make *s*

  12. I too sew a little here and there, then and now. Sometimes I get motivated to work more on something but other times, not much. Things like trying to work out some computer bugs takes way to much time. Love those hearts!


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