Sunday, January 6, 2008

A good thing...

This afternoon I was over at Covered Porches reading her latest blog post when I saw her new project and followed her link to where she found the original design at Quilting Adventures. I love to follow links so I clicked. I really love how links lead to new blogs and, new blogs lead to great finds!

Quilting Adventures had this cool stitchery and she mentioned that she was stuck because she couldn't quite get how to do a certain "Fly" stitch. May Brit left this amazing link in her comment and so I followed it to see what a fly stitch was...just out of curiosity! Oh my, I think I have been forwarded to HEAVEN! A page where you can see a wonderful lady do almost any stitch you want done for you! This is fabulous! Called Needle 'n Thread, Mary Corbet shows you every stitch you can imagine. I finally learned how to do a decent stem stitch. I truly sucked at it before and no wonder. I wasn't doing anything near a stem stitch. Anyone who learns visually rather than by written directions...this site is for you!

Thanks ladies for the great trip through the blogs to find a wealth of information!


  1. When I get on those blog wanderings I am always amazed at what I find and how much time I end up sitting at the computer!

  2. Thanks for the tip, Judy! I'm bookmarking that site to poke around at later.

  3. Wow - that is a find. I have a book with stitches, but being able to see them (not just a diagram) can be worth a million. Time to add a bookmark.

  4. Thank you for the links! I can spend half my life behind the computer..its so wonderful to discover new much inspiration!

  5. Coming out of lurkdom to say Thank you! Needle'n Thread's tutorials are just what I need. Your blog is always very enjoyable:)

  6. Glad you found the blog with the embrodiery instructions. Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a great link to the embroidery instructions! Thanks. And what great goodies and BOMs you're going to be doing this year! I love your new Christmas projects!


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