Saturday, January 5, 2008

Another fun quilt project...or two or three...

So the story about the new BOM quilt I promised yesterday. I was over reading at Kim's Big Quilting Adventure and I see this wonderful new Christmas quilt she found on Sharon's blog. Sharon had shown the quilt, which I think actually belongs to Nancy No Blog. Very cool and very fun quilt. You can see the quilt here, here and find out how all this started here. I won't show the picture here since it isn't mine...check it out on any one of her posts.

Turns out that her local shop is offering the quilt as a BOM and now she can find the pattern. If you want the details about the pattern, read the comments to her posts for all the info. Carol at Brown Quilts was in, so was I. Carol called the designer, I called the store and the pattern is on the way to us both! So we will follow along with Kim as her class makes the quilt. The shop was quite amazed to be hearing from people all the way across the country. They don't know how determined quilter's can be.

Speaking of new patterns....right before Christmas, Sharon went to the infamous Country Loft in California. Fabulous store that I'm kinda glad I do NOT live near...otherwise I'd be broke all the time. Anyway, Sharon went to visit and took scads of pictures..part one and part two... of all the great stuff and after drooling over my keyboard I grabbed my phone and called the store to place an order. I did say I was patheically short on holiday decorations, remember? Hubby ran in with my package just a few minutes ago!Here's what I ordered...A kit called Homespun Santa's and a cute pattern that has a funky Christmas Elf and a poem about Christmas. Don't mind the color on the pattern, it got a little weird, but it's a nice muslin. I've actually gotten quite a few stitchery patterns for next year so I should be quite busy. I love doing stitchery at night almost as much as needleturn. Mindless stitch after stitch. There should be no shortage of things to choose from around here to work on.

Which reminds me...get my hiney off the computer and get back to work. I'm cutting strips for the tote bag today and getting it together. Hopefully I'll have a finished bag to show tomorrow!

PS: housekeeping note: I'm still adding old blog posts back to my blog, so if they show up on bloglines or whatever reader you use, check the date for current posts and speed on by. Thanks!


  1. All of you will have so much fun working on this quilt together!

    I, too have stitchery projects for this next year - several in fact. But I'm going to make myself focus on UFO's first.

  2. Both of those patterns are on my shopping list for the Country Loft...oh I'm in trouble.

  3. I love that homespun Santa quilt, I saw that too on her blog and wanted to order it!
    oh no...and YES I LOVE that CHristmas quilt they are doing, and now you and Carol will be making it, on no I want in too!
    but still on no buy for awhile....maybe by the summer :)
    I will have to live you and Carol making this one !

  4. Oh my gosh, Judy! Bearpaws and Hollyhocks is my local quilt store that I always go to and I saw the actual Christmas List quilt when I went to their anniversary sale today! What a small world! I can say it looks amazing in person, but I've got too many projects (SLOL) going so I cannot sign up.


  5. Country Loft is the BEST! After seeing your newest things . . . I know I need to make a field trip *s*

  6. Good for you Judy!! Don't you love your new purchases?? LOL!!! Glad to be of help. I just may have to join you girls in the BOM quilt. Since Nancy No Blog won't give hers up.

  7. HI, Christine here from Wa state , wanted to let you know I love your quilts and enjoy your blog!!! You are inspiring me to get busy! A fan of Cheri Saffiotte from her early days!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!