Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 arrives!

Happy New Year everyone!

I thought long and hard about making a list about what I accomplished, what I didn't...etc. Not gonna happen. One I lost almost all the old post past April of last year, and the brain doesn't quite remember all the quilts. I might make a tally one day this week and share, but other than that I think I am going to just keep moving at my own pace and have fun! No pressure.

I have my current and soon to be started projects on my sidebar to keep me (and you) updated on where the progress is at any given time. Now I'm off to eat lunch, sew a bit on the machine, and maybe think about getting some decorations put away...no rush, no pressure.


  1. It is always harder for me to recount what I did accomplish but if I had lost all my blog posts, it would really be a bummer. I love the way you have your projects listed with the progress bar. Very cool.
    Happy New Year

  2. "No rush, no pressure" sound like a good resolution in itself! Cheers!

  3. I don't make lists either . . . I've done what I did and there ain't nothing I can do to change it *s* Hope you have a great New Year!

  4. Happy new year! And a belated happy birthday :o)

  5. I'm not going there either - who needs the pressure?

  6. Happy New Year to you too! Lovely quilts!
    Sandra Evertson


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!