Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me...

I never really had any trouble with my age until last year hit and I turned 45. That one hit rather hard, as if I was no longer in my 40's but rather speeding toward 50 with no brakes! Of course the alternative is worse, so I'll take 46 with a grain of salt and resolve to be a better person, focus on what makes me happy and gives me joy and do some good things this year that I enjoy doing.

After all the days off, hubby had to work on my birthday, but I have loads to do today and time has passed quickly and he's due home in a few short hours. We are picking up a nice dinner of ribs (salmon for hubby) to bring home and I have several movies lined up to watch over the next few days. After today he's off again until Monday.

I got everything on my list for Christmas including Sue Spargo's EQ6 software program, a bobbin winder, and the complete Jamestown line of civil war FQ's. I've already started to wash those so I can make some swap blocks. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their family and friends, and you all have a joyous New Year. I'll see you back here in 2008!


  1. Happy Birthday to you Judy! Sounds like you have a nice time planned. I don't even think about my age anymore, and when someone asks me how old I am, I have to do the math, then it hits me that I'm approaching 49! LOL

  2. Happy Birthday! I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago and I'm enjoying it!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! The time to fifty was way to fast. Wish I could do it over.

  4. *Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Judy. Happy birthday to you! . . . and many more*

  5. Happy happy birthday Judy, I hope your day was entirely wonderful!

  6. Omigosh, I am 62. I didn't start to feel the age thing until 60. Well, OK, except the 50 thing. My son told me the year I turned 60 that it's the new 50. I do believe it. I still climb mountains, do yoga, craft, quilt, travel. And we are looking forward to our first grandchild. Life is good. Do not fret!

  7. Happy Birthday!! Sounds like a meal we make, salmon for hubby, steak for us...

    Hope you had a marvelous day!!


  8. Happy Birthday to you!!! Time flies when your having fun. LOL!!
    Sounds like you got some great gifts.

  9. Happy Birthday Judy!
    great presents! I am planning on making some of the Sue Spargo bom from previous years I have the books...mine will be in fabric though not wool...
    how about you?
    have you made any yet?

  10. I'm so sorry to be a bit late - Happy Birthday, Judy! Enjoy more time with your hubby!

  11. Happy Birthday to you! And from the other side of 50 - I have to tell you it isn't bad over here. Enjoy.

  12. Happy Birthday!
    Juliann is right--life over 50 is pretty dang sweet. After all, its only a number!

  13. Happy Birthday! Oh do tell us how the software is. I forgot all about that to put it on my xmas list. But I did get a bobbin winder!

  14. Happy Birthday to you!!

    I wish you all the Best for 2008!

    Please give Noodle & Pixel hugs from me!

  15. Well happy birthday and merry Christmas Judy! Enjoy your pressies :)

  16. Happy Birthday and Happy New Year.

  17. Have a great Birthday....46 is not a bad year....I'll be 47 this year....oh now that sounds old...LOL

    Happy New Year to you.

  18. Judy, 46 is young! In fact you're 6 months younger than I am. I'm loving this time of my life.

  19. A very happy birthday to you Judy - a few days late! Oh my - 46 sounds so very young! You are 15 years younger than I am! I hope it was the wonderful day you deserve.

  20. A very happy (if belated) birthday to you Judy! It sounds like your Christmas was merry and that your new year is looking to be busy and filled with sewing -- just the way it should be :0). Here's hoping the new year brings you much joy and love.

  21. better late than never....A very Happy Belated Birthday to you! And a wonderful New Year as well!

  22. I can't believe I missed your birthday! Hope it was a happy one! I just "celebrated" mine also. Happy New Year Judy!


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