Saturday, December 1, 2007

Answers and goodies...

First the goodies! I ordered this FQ bundle Wednesday at 3:30pm and the UPS guy brought it Friday at 5:00pm. How's that for service! Yummy!! Scarlets from Old Sturbridge Village collection! Some are the same pattern as the blues, but lots are new patterns and so pretty. Z&S is the place for the best bundles!

Now answers...Yes, leave it to me to complain first and find answers later. Thanks Mary! Mary said that the picture thing is a problem they are working on, so I'll give them time. I don't always open the larger view, but sometimes it's kinder to use smaller pics in big posts and let you open them if you really want to see the details and this makes it a bit harder to do that. So hopefully they will get it worked out soon.

The tree pattern is from Pieces from the Heart and called Trees UP! Light's ON! I think it was on about page 18 - 20 of the pattern pages. You have to scroll through them , but it's worth seeing all their great patterns. I loved the old fashioned spools!

Sew Create It - Jane asked how I got the tree blocks so even and uniform looking. Well, mostly I suffer from a curse called pickiness and I keep my little 2.5 inch ruler square next to me and make sure that when I put the 2 sides together I have that 1/4 inch tip hanging exactly off the edge before I sew. YOU don't have to line them up so well. It won't effect the pattern, you just get a smaller block in the end. One thing about sewing them is that you trim off the straggling edges before you add the next section. Plus, you make them all at the same time. I chose to do the colors as three batches, but you could do them all at the same time. You sew them in A to B, then add section C. Sew D to E, press and then sew to ABC. Get it?

When I made the first batch, I was matching the outside edges and some of the tree points got chopped as a result. SO for the next batch I followed the pattern directions and worried more about matching the INSIDE edges and not the outside...better tree points, but slightly smaller finished block size. It's a very well designed pattern too.


  1. That is one gorgeous stack of fabric!

  2. OMG those reds are gorgeous! Off to Z & S!

  3. Mmmm - another delicious looking package right at your doorstep *s* Thanks for the pattern info . . . off to surf.

  4. You've pushed me over the edge, Judy and I went to the Z&S website, but I couldn't seem to find where their FQ bundles are listed. Am I looking right at it or do you have to request them specifically?
    I love that tree pattern quilt. Threadlines Kathie posted one she made (last December), if you'd like to see another made up.

  5. Beautiful stack of fat quarters. I love the colours. Those trees you are making are great. I still can't seem to get paper piecing to work. I always mess it up somehow so I admire those who do it well!

    Visiting for the first time!

  6. I want to drool all over that fabric bundle! Wonderful! They just got the Williamsburg line in here at the LQS.Those darn FQ bundles are what nail me! I can't wait to see your trees! That is such a fun method. And, thankyou for mentioning the picture problem. I didn't know if it was my computer or what. :)

  7. Ooo! I bet my purchase it waiting at work for me then from Z&S!!!! Almost makes me want to go to work!

  8. Ha, ha. I ordered that same bundle on Thursday from Z & S! I'm like Dawn, hope its there waiting for me at work on Monday!! I have loved this line since I first laid eyes on it.

  9. The new 'scarlet' fabric is beautiful - it's been tempting me.

    Your trees are so cute - can't wait to see all of them.

  10. Lovely fabrics!!
    I have noticed that with the photos on Blogger too. It is annoying! I liked it better the old way.

  11. I just drooled all over my scarlet bundle when it came. These are the most luscious reds I've seen in a LONG time. And red is my favorite color. I ordered yardage of a couple of them - I'm so glad I did!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!