Friday, November 30, 2007

I'm still sewing trees...

Libby wrote a very nice post about getting less done than she had envisioned this week and well, it happens to the best of us. I'm still plugging away on the tree blocks. Slower than I thought, but life has a way of distracting you at times and begging for attention. I could still have them completely done and ready for quilting by Monday...that's the goal anyway. I have both the red and white blocks done waiting to be trimmed once I find the final size. I started the green pile yesterday afternoon and stopped so I could make dinner and watch a movie with my sweetie. The rest...cross your fingers...might be done tonight. It's iffy, but possible. Wish me luck.

I picked up some more Debbie Mumm snowman fabric for the back at JoAnns Thursday and bought the last 8 yards of Warm and Natural they had in the place since I had my 40% off coupon. I like it for heavier, machine quilted quilts. But I need to order a 40 yard roll the next time from online instead.

Happily, we got all the normal chores, errands, and grocery shopping, etc. done this morning, so we don't have to brave the stores tomorrow. Except for some online things I need to get ordered for Christmas tomorrow, I'm staying out of the stores and home with my machine!

A much happier place to be!

**UPDATE: I noticed on a few blogs when I tried opening the picture for the larger view that instead of getting the big picture I got asked what I wanted to view it with?? or download it? This isn't the normal choice, but I'm guessing a new thing with Blogger. if you choose to download, it saves it to my desktop where I can open it and then have to delete it off. I can also chose to view it in something like Paint or Picasa..but it's a hassle none the less. So sorry to anyone who gets this new option. Not my fault, not something new I am doing...just something Blogger has evidently decided to do rather than host the larger jpeg picture anymore.


  1. I like the looks of your trees - did you say what pattern/book they are from? (Like I need another project *s*)

    I'm having the same issue with my photos . . . don't know what the deal is. Hopefully it will go back to the other way - some changes are not always an improvement.

  2. I thought I was the only one who had the pictures opening that way. I guess blogger went and changed their format or something, to make it more annoying for us.

    Love the trees you are making there. What is that pattern, I have seen other people making it too, maybe I missed the info.

  3. Love those trees -- and I totally understand the whole "not getting as much done as I thought" think -- eeek!

  4. LOVE those trees! They are so much fun to do. Can we add a few more hours to the day?

  5. I checked out blogger help to see what was up. This is a known issue and they are working on fixing it. There was a manual fix posted but it involved going into the code and changing it for each photo. I'm going to wait to see how quickly they fix it before resorting to that.

  6. the tree blocks are great,,, like the red background ones and the cream ones!

  7. Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. Yup, your trees make me sing. I post from Picasa and no problem from there. Knock on wood.

  8. Those trees are awesome, Judy! Can't wait to see the top all together. :> Photos are doing the same thing on my computer too, so I bet Blogger is trying to 'fix what isn't broken'. :/

  9. Those trees look great. And I love the freeness of the way they are constructed with the chop and re-sew...but can you explain how you get them to look so there any magic in the way you line up you next piece for sewing?

  10. I noticed that too. I don't like it. But I"m loving your trees!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!