Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yea, make that two of us. YEP, the whole blog is GONE. I stupidly decided to make another blog this morning for a team thing...not important, and when it wasn't working out I just deleted it..or so I thought. Seems somewhere in the mix blogger moved over or open my main blog by default, the cats were screaming for attention and GONE GONE GONE...

ALL gone. SO enjoy the mess. I haven't a clue how to work with these freakin widgets so I doubt I can ever restore the sidebar the way I like. I kept html for a reason. Lord this will take all weekend to get settled. So you'll see changes for a while. I have some of the archives saved and I'll have to get hubby to help me restore those...but much later.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph I can't believe the whole thing is just gone. OH well. Too late now.


  1. Oh you poor thing! What a PITA. Wonder if blogger has a way to recover for you? Probably for a fee but it might be worth it.

  2. I am afraid of that happening to me too. So I went to Blurb and downloaded the software to make books out of my blog, not that I've done so. But it gives me a backup when I've 'slurped' the blog into it. And, like you, I am much more comfortable with html. Good Luck!

  3. NOOOOooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! All those pretty pictures and STUFF!!!!

  4. Oh how frustrating!! I hope you can make some lemonade out of the lemons you've been given and see it as a chance to try something fresh. Just think you can experiment to your heart content with the html etc. with no great risk.
    Sending you cyber (((huggs)))

  5. CRAP!!!! I hope you are able to recover everything . . . it has got to be out there floating in cyberspace - somewhere.

  6. Oh.......that's chocking!! Well you just have to start on fresh. Perhaps it's out there somewhere.

  7. Ok, I'm able to see your "archives" by clicking Google Reader's "all items". It goes all the way back to December 31, 2006. Pictures included. 181 posts. :)

  8. Oh you poor thing. As Leah says, everything is showing up in Google Reader. Have you looked at your dahsboard to see if it is still there?

  9. I think this is our biggest fear! I agree with Libby "Crap"!!!!!


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