Wednesday, November 14, 2007

UPDATE: Thanks to wonderful Leah mentioning that she could see all my post from Jan 07 in Google Reader I realized that Bloglines might have them, so off I went. Good news! I was able to get from April to present and save them all. Now, what to do? Some post are just silly, some are worth tutorials. But the dates will still say today if I restore them because I can't find out how to alter the date in blogger. Anyone know? I can title them by the original dates and that would work, but I might not put them all back in that case. So in the next few days if your counter shows 100's of post, check for any new ones and then mark them all read. Thanks again Leah for the tip!

Looky what arrived today! My very first month of Cheri Saffiote Payne's Sweet Land of Liberty BOM from Homestead Hearth. Can't wait to get started on the blocks! They did a perfect job marking everything for us.

Well most of the stuff is back in the sidebar. Thanks be to the heavens that I saw that nice..."go back to the old version" again and it takes your right back to html code because no way could I have figured out how to do all the sidebar stuff in widgets. Yuck!

Okay, I can't remember where the thing is to click that lets your comments show your email. Anyone? I need to make sure I have to clicked. I have to thank Dawn, although she doesn't know she helped me, but she asked me about the sidebar status pictures and progress bars a while back and put them on her site. Thanks Dawn, this allowed me to go to your site and view the source code and get them back on my blog!

I've got my whole template saved again...hadn't done it in over 10 months...very bad. I can't say I will get any of the old post back but nothing I can do now. Oh well, I messed with this all day and now I just want to sew for a bit.


  1. Glad to see that things are coming back together again *yikes* I would have been in total meltdown mode *s* Looks like you are set for comments - there is an email link on your profile . . . I think that's all it takes. Put your feet up and relax for a bit.

  2. What a disaster! Everything looks like it's back to normal now though. Can't wait to see your Tumbler Quilt finished - I see it is at 95% now. The new fabric looks lovely and rich.

  3. Oh good it's coming back together!

  4. Oh my gosh! I'm stunned! You are still on my bloglines, so you must have been able to come back with the same name, etc. How are you saving your blog entries? Copy and paste in Word? At least you still have your Flickr box so we can look at your beautiful quilts!

  5. Glad you've got some of your posts back - and yup, you're still on my bloglines too. :)

    Love those fabrics! I go in cycles, I'll do a bright one, then traditional or florals, then some things more somber or 'adult' or even masculine looking... then it's back to brights again. It just means I get to have a varied fabric stash!

  6. OK, changing the dates on blog posts is pretty easy. Pull up the post you want to edit; choose Post Options at the bottom of the text box; Post Date/Time can be changed on the (R) side.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I really appreciate your thoughts and love to answer your questions...but remember I can not if you are set to no reply. Have a great day!