Saturday, November 24, 2007

New BOM started...

I started a new BOM called Sweet Land of Liberty today and got the first section done.
I'm using what I call faux paper piecing. You don't sew through the paper, but right next to it, thus not having to rip off pieces of paper. I posted a detailed description of the technique on my blog last summer and also over on the Sweet Land of Liberty group BOM. You can find both links on my sidebar for the technique and the group blog. Now I'm going out to work on my needlework bag for a while and watch some tv. Have a nice Sunday tomorrow!


  1. Very fun! I love this quilt. Oh if only I could find more time in my day!

  2. That looks fantastic! Can't wait to see more of your quilt.

  3. Judy it is wonderful! I will have to see this new technique (well new for me anyway)!


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