Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanskgiving Everyone...

Make sure to pace yourselves and eat in shifts so you don't blow any buttons! We are staying home this year and enjoying ham and all the trimmings. No turkey this year, and I really am not going to miss it one bit. I've got lots of things to fill the void...and the tummy!

Like my paperweight? How can I possibly read anything with that big tub-o-fur on my table...not that I'll read but a few of the ads anyway. Poor hubby almost got a hernia lifting today's newspaper. Why must they get so overindulgent with all the ads? Years ago I would be right there, but you couldn't find me within 2 miles of a mall these days. I stay home and skip the whole thing now. I'm off to do my Jumble and Celebrity Cipher and do some pre-cooking cleaning. Hope you all enjoy the day with your families!


  1. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love the

  2. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful as well! As for the shopping -- other than going to JoAnn's to pick up some things on sale and a quick trip to Target -- not going near a mall this weekend myself!

  3. Was this Noodle? or Pixel?
    I would love to just pick it up & hug it, whoever it is!!

  4. Cats always know the best place to snooze. Didn't even wake up for the camera. Now that is relaxed.

  5. Oh it was the same with the newspaper here . . . not a bit of news but more ads than you could shake a stick at. Hope your day was a yummy and relaxing one *s*

  6. I am sorry your cat is so mistreated. haha :) Don't they seem always to find the center of attention for a nap?

    No shopping this week for me, no mall-crawl.

    Have a wonderful day!!


  7. Wow, I think he'd REALLY get a hernia trying to lift THAT newspaper ... looks like someone's waiting for a belly rub or cuddle!


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