Sunday, September 9, 2007


You may have remembered that over the last few weeks I mentioned a swap I was working on that had to remain secret? Well I got my swap the other day from my Yahoo Group's swap partner and just had to share because it's so pretty! It's the greatest wool table mat embellished with gorgeous orange beads and complete with a big wooden pumpkin and a "Mug Rug" just for me to use.
I'm still working on finishing my swap piece and getting it out to my swap mate. After she gets it, I'll post a picture here to show what I've spent all that time doing. I have done things along the way, but now I must buckle down and get it finished.

During Primitives last June I fell in love with a bag that Libby at A Simple Girl carried to class. About a month ago I received my pattern and drew out the lines for the front panel of the bag and got it hooped and ready to start embroidering. Last week I started spending a few minutes here and there working on it. Just when I have 15 minutes or so to put in a few stitches. At this rate I should finish in time for next years Primitives retreat! Just so it doesn't look identical, I plan to make mine out of red, blues, and dark green plaids instead of the blacks , browns and tans.
It's still extremely slow going around here but I'm getting things accomplished slowly. Once the swap piece is done I'll be able to get back to some of my own projects and see where that takes me.

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