Thursday, September 6, 2007

Another Method...

Most of you know how I love conventional needleturn applique, there's just something about turning that edge under and doing the hand work that I find peaceful and comforting, I like being able to move the line and shape the curve to my whim by just using a needle tip to tun under the seam allowance. But however, sometimes you see another option and wonder just how well it works. If it's really easier? I followed a link made my Dawn to a new blog site for me called Snippets of a Quilter and was wowed by her great instructions with pictures for another method for applique that I'm sure many of you have done and known about for ages. Well for me it was familiar...but not having to take out the paper before sewing (my pet peeve) made me look closer.

You iron the the paper and use a small Clover Iron to starch the edges around towards the back and ta-da, your pieces are all ready to be sewn with no turning. Now I always liked the method but hated having to cut the background to get out the paper. Well this method takes it out first and so I tried it. Worked like a charm even on the larger pieces! These were just 2 small leaves/buds for my swap project...leftovers actually that didn't make the project and they turned out really fast and very well shaped. Something else I was worried about with this method. I shouldn't have worried.

The back looks neat and the fronts have very nicely curved edges with no bumps or notches. I was very surprised! In no time I have more pieces that I ever needed.The one thing I changed was to make the pattern piece out of 2 pieces of freezer paper carefully ironed together for maximum strength. Makes it last longer with the wet fabric. I can now see doing a whole quilt block like this. Wendy just finished a piece by Lynda Hall that's in my list of things to make using this method and I think I might use this technique for that quilt as well! Also check out her pictures of a fabulous quilt show at the Buggy Barn! Fabulous!

I know there is nothing from me and hasn't been lately, but this swap needs to go out and I can NOT work on anything else until I get it finished...the secret swap. What with whole days disappearing for Mom's doctor visits, I have lost so much time, so I have to soldier on and get done! On the the hand quilting! Thanks ladies for all the pick me up's. I'm getting better at handling the stress and can't wait to get started on a few new quilts once I get my obligations out and off in the mail!

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