Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday morning...

After 3 nice days off hubby went back to work this morning and I can get back to getting some serious sewing done...yeah right. I did get several things accomplished this weekend. Lots of grocery shopping for Mom, us and the freezer. I also got some sewing done on my swap item...sorry, it's still a secret that can't be revealed! I also completed a few blocks for my Christmas Sampler and got several more set up for sewing.

My Christmas stocking block for the sampler, done yesterday...I'm going to try something new for a little while. Instead of waiting to have loads of stuff to write about and writing a huge long post, I'm going to try just making more frequent, smaller posts. No huge gaps between posting and needing tons of items to show with huge finishes. I'll try just stopping in more frequently and showing off what I got done that day or what's happening around the house. Now this remains to be seen since I often run off at the mouth which can have the opposite effect on a short, quick post.

Either way, I hope you keep stopping by.

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