Monday, August 20, 2007

Gotta love that mailman..

Although the bell freaks out the cats, I love the sound because it means the mailman is usually at the door! Just now he brought my package from Quilter's Station! They are the lovely shop that puts on Primitives of the Midwest each year and they do such a fabulous job too. When I walked into the store this past June I was mesmerized by their version of Lynda Halls Fanshawe Dam pattern (Patterns: Page 3; second row-far right). I bought the pattern a while ago and plan to make it very soon for my 25th anniversary quilt. Yea, it's late but I love the pattern. I also loved the version someone made at Quilter's Station.

So I emailed the store, and Rita; the owner, last week and asked if they could make up a kit for me with just the backgrounds they used or something similar. If you have been in that store you know they couldn't make a bad choice in choosing. Today they all came! Plus the pattern for Kentucky Wildflower, and the 8 black homespun FQ's I asked her to pick out and send me. I think I'm gonna have to make this a monthly order..."Hello, send me 10 half yards of purple homespuns"...or orange, golds, reds..whatever. They have an entire room or these fabulous fabrics and I am seriously deprived living in a place that carries NONE of them in person. Gotta sew!

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