Sunday, April 1, 2007

It's all finished!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Here's she is...almost all done. The hard parts are done, just have to add the buttons to the lower half but I thought you all deserved a picture. Poor hubby's arm were dying!

Sweet Land of Liberty
59 x 82
pattern by Cheri Payne
everything else by ME!

I used an Aurifil thread, color #1318 that was shared to me a while back by Libby as a fabulous color that blends with everything. It's fantastic and is so easy to use for quilting. I did switch to a light off white for just a few areas. I left the picture really large so if you can't see the whole thing you can go in through flickr and view it all all sorts of sizes by clicking on the picture to the right under Just Completed!

Here's a couple close-ups. I don't worry about every stitch being perfect especially on quilts where I make up the quilting as I go along. I like the birds big goofy wing, and it covered the space!An easy graceful curve done up and down with a wide turn at the end.The's not necessary to quilt every line.
I wasn't going to quilt the embroidery spaces but they puffed too much and had to be tamed, so I used light and meandered around the words.
The big star it called wine glass? on the points, and meandering.
I loved every minute of doing this quilt and I'm loving the next ABC Quilt Sampler too. Please think about doing yours soon. I know so many of you got the bom kits and I even got a final one today which I didn't know was coming. I know big quilts like this look daunting but if you do them one block at a time, before you know it they are done! I'll finalize the last of the detailed blog posts soon. My arms are very tired after pushing and pulling this thing around so I'm saving the typing for later. Thanks for coming along while I muddled through doing this one!

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