Thursday, March 1, 2007

T is for Tinman....

Oh this block reminds me that I love Cheri's designs in spite of the sometimes harder than needed measurements! Lordy did this block tax my brain. Not the whole block mind you just the head of the tinman. If you can do it with the given directions, then by all means, knock it out and count yourself better than me!

After fiddling with the head a few times and not getting it right, I finally drew it out and figured out the finished size needed to get a perfect head ready to be sewn on the top.

Save yourself the time and make a sweet little flying goose block. Cut a body piece 1.5" tall x 2.5" wide and 2 small 1.5" sq's of bkgd fabric. DO the sew and flip method and you have the head all ready, perfect size to fit into your design!! I decided to write my wording down instead of cramming it in there to read normally, but it's totally your choice.

You will also make 2 square in square blocks for the bottom under the Tinman, and I really can't tell you what size they should be. I made my triangle pieces larger as I normally do then trim down, but they didn't need trimming and when I finally sewed them together they seemed to fit across, so I let it slide. This quilt is about working with what you have and doing things in a folk art manner. I don't need to see all the tips and points. Just have fun with it all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a beautifull quilt you make! I just love it the ABC designed by Cherri...


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