Thursday, March 1, 2007

GHI block...

without the I for the moment. Well what can I say. I am loving these blocks but I am not loving the measurements, or lack thereof. But if you love Cheri Payne, then you gotta love doing these with all the quirks. Here's my Month 3 as it was sent to me. G-H-I block.By a weird coincidence I had the exact fabric Cheri used for the house! Here's my block. This block has flying geese on the bottom, but they were in the next month with the pieced section so I'm getting to that next. I just realized I didn't sew my little grass embroidery either...must do that! Also I left off the I and the ice cream cone so I can talk about measurements. Ah the dreaded M word.

As I start each block, I've been checking the math. SO first I started with the pattern. The pattern calls for the left heart block to be 5" wide cut...but remembering that the s/a is still on the outside add 4.75" + 3.5"+3.75" = 12 inches. No way can 12 inches sew to 11.5" for the background. SO there's a goof there.
Next Cheri says to Add Borders around the left, right sides and the top. That 1.5" mark is my writing, not hers. No size was given. I am sure that she just adds 2.5" or 3" and trims later. That's probably a good idea. In fact if you look at her quilt close up, this block was cut slanted. You'll also notice that the left strip is small, the top wider and the right even wider. I got curious, so I went to my other copy of the pattern and I found a completely different diagram of the block drawn by the bom teachers with totally different measurements. See that heart block? 4.5", I was right.

This one seemed to fit the space better. It ends up 17.5" long when done (but not sewn into the top) and that's the size it needs to be to match the first two blocks. My advice would be to either use these sizes OR sewn on extra large strips...3 inches or so and trim later. I used these sizes. I'll add the geese background and then add those once I get the block sewn into the section since they overlap a bit on the piece below. Now I'm off to do the I for Ice Cream and the pieced blocks underneath.

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