Thursday, March 1, 2007

D,E,F block

Since I am a bit behind with this quilt, I hope to get the blocks done faster than normal so I can get to the point again of one a month. This one really took some sewing! Whew...this was like making a mini quilt! There's more going on in this block than some of the recent Cheri quilts! Ta-da....the finished DEF block! Now let's do some work!

Since I had some tiny issues with fitting blocks together in the other sampler quilt when they involved using templates, I decided to sit down, take a few minutes of time and DO THE MATH! Some times you just have to! I took each section and added up the pieces making sure than the measurements added up to what the next strip or block said it needed to be to join correctly. Luckily they did... with just one mistake. Let's talk dolls first.

The pattern doesn't tell you this but the dolls size should end up at 3.5 x 6.5" cut. Meaning that's the size you will trim the outside edges when you make one doll. Be sure to add that outside seam allowance to the template when you draw it. I used freezer paper and cut it apart right under the dolls dress to make 2 pieces. REMEMBER!! you have to leave a seam allowance on that edge so you can sew them back together! I sewed the pieces on in the numbered order, attached the legs and made three dolls, sewing them all together.

I knew this was the correct size by looking at the strip sizes. See that first strip on the left side is 1" x 6.5", so figures they are 6.5" tall. Now adding the 1" strip on the right and all three dolls gives you a piece that measures....and I mean laying on the cutting surface, it measures... 3/4"+ 3" + 3" + 3.25 = 10 inches. I promise this is the only time I'll use the scary math problems. Remember the extra quarter inch is on the sides because you haven't sewn it to anything yet. Now I KNOW that it's right because the next piece to add along the top is 1.5" x 10" so that's how I checked my sizes!! See not so scary after all.

Now the goof. One measurement is wrong. Look at the chart again and see that you sew the 3 dolls, then add the left, top, right and then the BOTTOM strip in order. That size for the bottom strip should NOT be 11 1/2"... it's only going to be 11". Below you can see my piece.

I think almost everyone will realize this when they start to sew on the strip, but some might think they goofed making the dolls. Nope, just a little goof. Once I sewed the bottom piece on I sewed the second left section and then stopped to do my hand work. I always find it easier to sew applique onto smaller pieces. SO I took the time to sew on the doll's heads and do their hair and faces now. I also sewed together the background of the flower and the duck into a section and did the hand work on those pieces. I actually tucked the stem into my seam.

Then I sewed all my flower pieces, stems and leaves down before attaching the sections. Once those two sections were done. I started to assemble the block. Sewing the flower on top of the doll section, then working down the left side. I altered the pattern a tiny bit by adding a strip of green under the second section. I just stuck that piece in down the row and trimmed off the extra at the end, before sewing the big piece across the bottom. Now the hand sewing begins!

I approached this block a little different than normal since I wanted to conserve hand movements, so I got out my starch and freezer paper and did that method of turning under the pieces that could be done ahead of the time. I did all the letters, the duck, heart, and flower circles. I even pre-pressed the edges on the background pieces behind the letters!

I love this block. You should feel good once it's's a lot of work. I changed up the colors from the bom package, which is the fun of making quilts. Now onto the third block...houses and cats! I'm adding another one someplace since I can't leave off one of my babies!!

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