Sunday, November 29, 2009

blog break extended...

Happy almost December everyone! Don't faint at the sight of a new blog post now...I'm just here to leave a short message in case anyone stops by and wonders what's up. I'm doing fine, having a blast with some things and really not in the mood to blog at the moment.

So rather than take the whole thing down, I'll just say that my blog is on indefinite hiatus at the return at a later unspecified date. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's holiday season!


  1. Happy Christmas, Judy - enjoy your
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. Good for you! Enjoy the break and a very merry Chritmas to you too.

  3. good to see a post, I have sent you an email and worried when I haven't heard back.
    glad all is well, yes we all need blog breaks, hope your arm is healing staying off the computer

  4. Judy it's so great to hear from you! Glad you're doing well and having lots of fun! Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

  5. You've been on my mind...the month of December and all (birthdays!!) I remember our exchanges about the holiday births.
    I bet your getting quite a bit accomplished since we haven't seen you in blogland...hope all is well.
    Hugs and Happy Holidays dear friend!

  6. Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas season. Maybe in the new year you might make a few "progess posts" and show your ABC sampler?

  7. Glad you are still doing well and being productive! If I don't "talk" to you in December, Happy Birthday!

  8. Hey you!!! Miss you. Have a happy holiday season. Hurry back.

  9. Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!

    And we'll see you when we see you :o)

  10. I'm glad all is well, Judy. I think about you regularly and miss you. I understand - enjoy the break and everything you're doing right now. ((HUGS))

  11. Thanks for popping in! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!

  12. I certainly understand how you might need a break. You have shared a great deal with us and I certainly appreciate all of it. Take care, continue to enjoy whatever you are up to and as Jane said, we'll see you back here when we see you. Happy Holidays, Judy!

  13. I love December, just hate the cold!

  14. Hi Judy, I just wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas! Thanks for all of your posts, I hope you are having a good blog break. :-)

  15. thinking of you and hoping that all is well
    hope your finding lots of time to sew, sew, sew!
    you must have lots of finished projects!
    hope your arm has healed as a result of staying off the computer
    sending good thoughts
