Wednesday, October 21, 2009

remember me?

Well did you think I was never coming back? I haven't really been on the computer a whole lot these last few weeks and no's perfectly fine by me! Life ebbs and flows and sometimes you just take breaks from things. 3 1/2 years of blogging is a long time with no break, so maybe I was due. Honestly, I'm just great... happy as a clam! I'm focusing on some other things at the moment and enjoying other pursuits. I'm sure I'll get back to quilting one of these days. Computer time has almost been nil since typing is the worst thing for the forearm tendons and they are still quite vocal about getting used at all!

So what have I been doing? Well every night I try my hand at a little stitching.
Sometimes I can go for a couple hours and sometimes a couple STITCHES. But it's not a race, I love doing these blocks. I'll be sorry to see this quilt finished. With 2 of these quilts I doubt I'll sign up for another one, although I do love them! But I have more than enough bom's to keep me busy for a while. I've gotten behind in just a few of mine! *grin*

Had to pop out yesterday to the Fresh Market to pick up some stuff and a big 'ole piece of salmon. Does anyone else have one of these stores? I love Trader Joe's but that fresh meat counter is just fabulous. I mean anything you want they have! Shame we don't eat any other meat but salmon.

I know lots of people don't like salmon but man o there anything prettier than that beautiful colored jewel getting all lovely on the pan? Honestly..a hot pad and a fork and I could eat right off the pan until I was sick! But I don't. I'm a good girl. I cut it into pieces and store the whole thing in the fridge. That way we grab a slice or two and pop them in the microwave whenever we want some all week. Plus do you know how good this is for your cholesterol? V-e-r-y very good!

I found a new FREE bom the other day that I thought I would share in case you missed it over at Sentimental Stitches. It's called Beyond the Cherry Trees. A fabulous antique quilt that she is drafting. Note that the first block is supposed to be all red flowers. If you look closely you'll see that the red disintegrated as old quilt reds often did from that era. I'm not starting this quilt at the moment, but I'm saving those patterns. They won't be free forever too, so if you want them go now.

Before I head out again, I'll leave you with my little goober-head! He can get as comtfy as possible with ease, can't he? I almost got his picture with both hands above his head but the shutter sound pulled that top arm in and he woke up. He's still cute as a bug. Oh and see that hoop? I've plugging away at that too! Every so often I take a few rows here and there and one day it will be finished too!

I'm sorry that I haven't gotten around to too many blogs in the last few weeks. I do try to read your posts in blogger every week, but haven't really spent the time to comment. Typing is the one thing that sends the muscles reeling. So I avoid it if I can. Have a great Halloween if I don't see you before then!


  1. I could eat that whole slab of salmon in one sitting, oh my does it look yummy. Can you tell I love salmon.

    Goober-head looks so cute and he sure can get comfy in the oddest places. Too cuuuttttee.

  2. When I saw your blog updated on my blog roll I said, "Yiiipppeee". Glad you are doing fine and all is right with the world. Totally understand about typing and all.

    We don't eat much fish at our house. I think it was some incident with bones in a fish when I was a child to make me not like it too much!

  3. Salmon is a weekly meal in our it too!
    Your stitchery is lovely...glad you posted as I'd been thinking about you and how you must be giving yourself a bloggers break. I often think I spend way too much time here myself...I'm on a lunch break at moment from quilting..however it was just to quickly check emails and look...I saw you updated and just had to come over!

  4. So glad to see you are back blogging even if only now and then. Have you ever checked into voice command for your computer? I heard of a student with a learning disability who used one when my daughter was in high school over 10years ago. I think he talked and the computer typed it. Of course, I have no idea what something like that would cost.
    The salmon looks wonderful. Wish we had that store in our area. It sounds great.

  5. Saying hello! Glad you're back. :)

  6. Welcome back - I'm into a bit of a lull this week, too! Love your darling kitty!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  7. Sounds like you're having a busy fall Judy! That Salmon looks awesome -- I love Salmon -- especially done on the grill!

  8. I have been wondering how you are doing.
    Your stitchery project is coming along well. There are several free stitchery patterns available on the internet. Some even sets. Maybe you will feel up to some of those in the future.
    I found the free BOM you mention and printed out my first pattern last week. I had been waiting for the first pattern for a while. I did notice that the reds in the picture were somewhat shredded in places. I am printing out and saving the patterns for future use.

  9. That salmon looks YUMMY!!!!! You take your time with posting, I've got you in my reader so I won't miss you if you do post.
    I love those pumpkins, wow. Just take it easy! It sounds like you've got a good idea of what you can handle without overdoing. Good for you!

  10. I love Salmon, any way it comes. Keep getting that arm better, it sounds like you're being very sensible.

  11. I wish I liked salmon *sigh* Still I love most other kind of fish - any of the white fishes and shellfish galore!
    Good that you are able to satisfy your 'fiber' needs with embroidery while you wait for your arms to heal.

  12. I think we all lose our mojo every now and then but like you say....just take a break and it will come back. sometimes a break is good.
    Your cat is hysterical. That is a cat isnt it? lolol
    Hunka would love that salmon. I like it but not my favorite.
    I need to get crackin on that stitchery too.
    Good to hear from you.

  13. Hi Judy! Welcome back. Yes, the stitchery and the salmon both look delicious. Thanks for sharing the BOM link! Hope you are feeling okay.

  14. I LOVE your BOO pumpkin pillow. Way cute!!


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