Saturday, September 5, 2009

CGQC September picks..

Holy Crud, I haven't been back since Tuesday? Hubby took of Friday, yesterday, so somehow the weekdays have merged and it's the weekend. Anyway...I need to make my picks for the CGQC things I intend to get finished this month. I got exactly ONE thing finished last month so I think rather than pick 3 things again, I'll stick to the current project at hand and just dive in head first to get it FINISHED!

...the ABC Quilt Sampler. No it's not an illusion...same picture as before. Still making progress and coming along, but working on other things too. But I had to make my official Quilt Club post so I used it again.
I'll be back with a real post very soon!

Edited to add:I realized this was probably the only month to get this done so I think I'll add another project to the list. Not something ongoing, but a new little quilt. Cheri Payne's Trick or Treat seen here in a sample from the Country Loft quilt show. Might not quite get done, but who knows....I could surprise myself.


  1. Smart girl - I haven't picked ANY this month, lol, things are too nuts right now! I'm loving your quilt. Can't wait to see it done!

  2. That's life - never mind, these blocks are gorgeous!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  3. Trick or Treat is a piece of cake. I made that one a few years ago. If you look on my October 16th post from last year, you will see it. I need to take a closer picture. And of course, it is fun to make. After all, it is a Cheri pattern!

  4. Hope you make some progress. I am going to just so I don't have to REpost the same items again. :S


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