Sunday, July 5, 2009

New addition...

I was over at my friend Carol's blog today and saw button and a new club that centers on getting some old projects finished. Well I loved doing the "Spring to Finish" so why not. Kelly at Charming Chatter has started the Charming Girls' Quilt Club.

I love getting things finished and they have some great ideas for monthly entries and projects that you can either choose to do or not. No pressure...I like that. Plus when you finish your project you get entered into the draw for a gift certificate! What could be better!

SO I must pick a project that I have to get finished this month that's been sitting waiting for me to get done and I have just the one! Well two actually.

First up is getting all these swapped 9 patches into a quilt finally! Carol and I swapped these ages ago and they have patiently waited to be turned into a quilt. No more waiting! I washed my red fabric.... twice! and I'm ready to get cutting and sewing! The 9 patches will be alternating with a square of red on the diagonal.

Then for the second task I got the top together for my FQ quilt today and I decided to add the border after all, so that means waiting for the fabric I ordered on the 4th to be sent and arrive! Then I can sew on the border, sandwich and quilt!! I picked the green with flower bundles for the border and the lovely blue to the left of it for the binding. Can't wait for it to arrive!At the end of the month you have to post your completed projects to get your entries and potentially WIN the prize for the month! Hope you have a lovely July! Stay tuned for my progress!


  1. Oh I'm so glad you're going to play along too...I think it will be great fun. I'm so excited that you're doing our 9 patches...I'll have to do that on next month. YIPPEE! I'm cheering you on!

  2. I have been seeing that Charming Girls button pop up on some other blogs. Good idea.
    I remember hearing about you and Carol swapping nine patch blocks. A good project to finish.

  3. Charming Girls is popping up everywhere! I think it is a fantastic incentive...afterall, finish and possibly win a prize! I'd say I'm in but just can't since I need to finish "others". Wonder if that counts? LOL

  4. Yay, another Charming Girl! Love it! Love your projects too, can't wait til the end of the month!

  5. your quilt looks awesome!
    oh that green fabric is great, where did you find that I think I need a piece!
    like the challenge to finish a quilt
    would keep me focused!

  6. Oooh, look at those pretty projects. God luck with the deadline!

  7. I just joined....just under the wire. Gotta go sew now! I'm already behind! I'll answer your last email sometime tomorrow.

  8. Oh, both of your quilts are going to be so pretty! Can't wait for the finished project, and I'm glad you're joining us in the fun!

  9. Both of your quilts are going to be so pretty! Looking forward to seeing them finished, and I'm glad you're joining us in the fun!

  10. Welcome to the club. I want to wish you luck with your projects. See you at the "finished" line.

  11. You'll have some nice quilts when all is said and done!


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