Thursday, July 2, 2009

i'm liking these patterns...

I like that someone else has figured out all the cutting instructions for how to lay out the fat quarters and cut your pieces. I did as they suggested and ironed with a tiny bit of Mary Ellen's Best Press on 4 FQ's and stacked them to cut at the same time. A few quick cuts and I was all done. Cutting all the pieces always seem to take forever!

16 fat quarters and a few hours later I was ready to start grouping. I am making the Three's Company pattern and to get a good look you really should lay out the pieces to get a good mix. I made the center sections fairly easily with no repeats in color, but then I laid it out. Even then I got some places where color is concentrated too much and no matter how many times you switch out sections it always ends up being right next to the same color! Oh well! They are big easy blocks and it should take no time at all to have the first top done! Back when I have something to show!


  1. I love when I learn a new trick to help speed up parts of the process. Can't wait to see what you are creating!

  2. I'm really anxious to see what you're doing. Love the fabric on top.

  3. I can't wait to see your quilt.

  4. OK, I"ve got to go see which quilt taht is! Isn't it great how they tell you to cut! I liked that too!

  5. Photo please!! I need to see the picture. Love the fabric by the way. But really, a photo please. lolol

  6. I love stacking fabrics to save time cutting. I also do what I call 'cutting backwards'
    Say you're cutting 2" strips (any size will work but 7/8" is difficult)- with a 15" ruler, I place at the 14" mark, cut, slide to 12" cut, slide to 10", etc. That way I don't have to mess with the fabric.
    It takes a few practice sessions to get comfy at it - then *zoom zoom zoom*


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