Friday, July 3, 2009


Check out this fabulous give-away over at Lori's blog, Bee in My Bonnet! Amazing patterns for embroidery and lots of other things! Seriously good stuff over there. I found her blog 2 days ago and just got around to posting about the give-away because I was drooling so badly! But I plan to visit lots and lots a drool over her lovely patterns some more!! We all know how I love embroidery! Now to find some plain white kitchen towels!

Make sure to click on her button over on my left sidebar to get right to her blog! Wow those patterns are so fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. It's so funny to find that you've "discovered" Bee in my Bonnet too--I was drooling over her stuff the other day when I saw the quilt Darlene was working on with the black and white and then the 30's fabrics. Very cool stuff!


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