Monday, June 8, 2009

it's coming back...

...that wonderful feeling of liking what I am doing and wanting to do some more! I decided to dive in and do some catch up work. SO I have "stuff" to show that doesn't really match but it's all working toward getting quilts done, so that's a very good thing.

First up are the new earrings I got from sulu. I found her Etsy shop from a link that Amanda Jean had on her blog once and I've loved her stuff ever since. I go over every so often just to see what's there. Last time I couldn't pass up this fabulous color combo! I love earrings like most women like shoes; and they're much cheaper!

Then I got busy and decided to sew the patchwork frame on my basket blocks. So here's block one..... ...and block two. Next basket is up right after I finish my Patriotic Annie! She's almost finished.

Then I got the Santa block and the "U" US block all prepped and turned under for the ABC Sampler Quilt. I was going to show Santa, but he's all sewn down and I figured I'd wait until his embroidery bits were done to show you the finished product. Here's the US block ready to sew and tacked down. I still do love my regular needleturn, but sometimes you can't beat that freezer paper starch pre-turn method for quickness and precision. Click the links for just how others do it too.
Now, I'm hitting the sofa with my needle and stitching on Santa's face and buttons.


  1. The pieced borders around the stitcheries really add to the piece. And of course, I like your "U" block. I just ordered two new Cherie patterns over the weekend. They are for decorating the little pasteboard boxes.

  2. Always so many wonderful things to see, Judy. Relax and don't let a little slump get you down. You must focus on the fact that you are usually incredibly productive. A little slump might be what you need to rest.

  3. I love all your blocks Judy. Your applique is wonderful. Seeing your basket blocks reminds me I need to give the C. Loft my new address so I can continue getting mine.
    Feel better!!!!

  4. You sound better and you're on a the basket blocks and US is soooooooo cute!

  5. Glad you found your mojo again *s*

  6. Gotta love that feeling! Glad you are back to enjoying what you are doing....and I love the blocks..!

  7. I'm glad you got that lovin' feeling back (insert music here!). Are you going to be able to go to Primitives of the Midwest this year? Boy, that could inspire all of us if we could go! Wouldn't that be great to all meet there next year?

  8. Great find on the earrings, love the colours too!
    Your stitcheries are turning out wonderful and the piecing really shows them off.


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